Well the boys locked antlers with section rival BHV last night. We came out on top 39-31. Sam won his match 9-5 but absolutely had the kid glued in the second period. He looked good. Of the 5 points the other kid scored Sam cut him loose 2x for 2 free points. Cudos boy!:D
Thanks, he has been struggleing. He is an awfull small 103 lb.er. He was giving up about 10 lbs last night. He may finially have the ball rolling.
Alright TeeJay! I wish I would have wrestled when the highschool wrestling coach asked me my junior year. I was just too interested in gaining weight for football. I did finally get into "wrestling" and such around 24-25. I loved it.
Thanks guys, he is off for another all day'er. 2.5 hr drive first round at 11. I'll hit the trail here in a 1/2 hr. I sure enjoy watching him. When he is on his game look out.
He got kind of a crappy seed and ended up in a pig tail match. Won it then had the #2 seed, lost. He won the next two and then lost the match (one small rookie mistake) to see who goes into the third and fifth place match.Battled back and ended up in the 5th place match. He stuck his kid in the 2nd. Not bad for his first big tourny. The team took 2nd over all.
Congrats to Sam !! In a couple years I'll have to start being nice to you or you'll send you boys over to beat me up !! Naaaa being mean to you is worth a beating or two !! LOL Again congrats to Sam !! Tim