I'd give the same answer regarding accessories. They make tuning easier but once the bow/arrow/archer are in tune and the sights are set there's no difference between any 2 .010 sight pins on the target. As an example, I had a fall away rest, 8x fully adjustable scope and perfectly balanced stabilizers on my spot bow in 1995 but the bow had fixed limb pockets, round wheels, cast magnesium riser, steel cables and a dacron string. I can still shoot 300's now and again with that bow but my X counts are higher with my current hunting bows than they are with that target bow. The big question related to the original post is "What is good?" Is it the ability to hit the broadside of a deer? In which case I'd be in agreement with the original post. OR is it the ability to hit a dime? In which case I don't entirely agree.
Some bows made today may be more forgiving if your form is not the best and in that aspect it would help. Heck, I still use the same Browning bow I started out with 10-11 years ago with XX78 Super Slams. That bow is so slow( I could probably throw an arrow just about as fast:d ) compared to todays bows but it is pretty quite. I have recently(2 years ago) switched to Slick Tricks and that has made a world of difference at 20 yds. and farther. The only reason I would want to change right now is if the reason I failed to kill the deer I was shooting at was because of MY BOW and NOT ME. For my hunting conditions,mostly 30 yds. or less, I don't need to be able to kill the deer quicker..I think:d
Put Gillingham, Cousins, Wilde, McCarthy, etc behind a bow from the mid 90s, and me behind an open-class Brigadier, and I would still come away battered and bruised. Yes, technology has made bows a bit more comfortable in terms of maintaining stamina and muscle memory, but accuracy is still much more reliant on the person operating the bow. I will say one thing though. Technology OFF the bow, but dealing with tuning the bow has certainly allowed us to fine tune the accuracy of the bow (ASSUMING the archer is capable and has good form).
I am so glad I don't get caught up with all things in the bow industry. Give me an average bow and enough time to practice, and I will consistently kill animals. I really just do not care what type of bows people shoot.