Greetings from South Africa, Finally joined the bow hunting fraternity in South Africa and i'm very excited to learn from some of the experienced guys around the world. Purchased a 2011 Bear Attack to get started with and I'm loving this bow! Pin Sight Brand Arrows Gold Tip Hunters Apex Quiver ZVT String Silencer Bow Wrist Sling Cobra Arrow Rest Peep Sight plus D-Loop Bow Jax Limb Dampeners Stabalizer Bow Jax would like to hear your opinion.... Chat to you soon
Welcome to the brotherhood. Bear Archery makes great bows, they have definitely come a long way in the last 5 years. Can't wait to see some pics posted of African game.
Looks like you are ready to start sling'n some arrows. Good luck and take plenty of pics to share. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk