Opening weekend Okbowhunter and I called in a big bird, and... well... you know that story. Later on we called in 3 other birds and my buddy blew it. The next weekend in Texas I had several toms come through but for one reason or another they never came in. I had two toms at full strut at like 45 yards on a B-line for my deeks, then they got on a trail and just walked away. No dice. This weekend we had birds gobbling but weren't interested in coming to find the invisible hen. Yesterday we put a stalk on 2 big toms and got to within 70 yards before the cover ran out. They strutted for 45 minutes before walking away. Time is runnin' out in OK and I'm getting SPANKED!!
I have faith in you Dubbs. Stick with it, it only takes one cooperative bird to get it done. Now all you have to do is find that one out of the hundreds you have around!!:d
I feel your pain Dubbya, May 6 is coming awful fast and I havent seen a tom while hunting since Will killed his bird. I tried like heck to get my wife on a bird this weekend but the freakin wind was what was kickin my rear. Hopefully this next week will be a good one for the birds, I have a SLOW week lined up for work and school so that = many a footsteps in turkey country. I say turkey country I hunted all weekend and only saw a few hens. All I know is perseverance pays.
Keep at it, I have had some bad luck as well thus far. Try having a turkey you are working shot out from underneath you at FIFTY YARDS away, experienced that one this morning, all on film....and it sucked. :d
Hang in there bud, Saturday morning I had my butt handed to me by the gobbler my fiance and I were set-up on. I am looking forward to hunting a new spot on Thursday. My sisters boyfriend was in their trying to get his little brother a bird this morning and had about two dozen turkeys come past the blind with several 2.5 y.o. longbeards. My sister boyfriend got a nice 24lb bird with a 10" beard and 1" spurs outta that spot Saturday morning. Thursday the weather should be great and I am really optimisitc for the hunt!
Dubs, I missed a bird near Ringwood on Saturday. I "puffed" him from forty yards. Man, the arrow looked good while in its flight. It was a close call for sure which ended in a small pile of feathers (the bird walked away and the arrow revealed nothing of importance). From what I could extrapolate while in Oklahoma (besides intenses winds, lightening storms, and tornados-you Okie boys have balls for living in that do-do, providing the ticks haven't gotton them...another subject), the hens are already on nest. The gobblers are not responding to calls whatsoever! Yes, they are out and about looking, but I think your best tactic at this point is to go to them. Stay positive and stay out there! You'll get one!
Thanks guys. Will, you're exactly right... all the hens are definitely nesting and it's going to get tougher as we go. The weather last weekend was pretty nuts huh? Did you get any tennis ball sized hail on Saturday? We did, it interesting to say the least! Yeah... and the ticks. I had to bug bomb my car a couple years ago after getting into some sort of nest or something. I came out of the woods and my pant legs were crawling. So I'm back at it this weekend... all guns a blazin' or all bows a slingin' I guess.
All I can say is you had better bring your rubber ducky innertube and your pink floaties to the gtg this summer... ur gonna need 'em.