An Illini and a Buckeye walk through the woods, what happens? They combined to find 7 sheds and pretty much declare the Buckeye needs to become an Illini. The following are pictures all the members will wish to see: Buckeye started the day strong, finding an impressive shed that wasn't chewed to pieces after lying in the woods well up to 2 years. Buckeye rubs it in my face while I was peeing right next to this shed that he found a bomber! Indeed, this shed is probably a year old from a deer that would have went well into the 160's. The G4 and G5 as well as the rest of the main beam past the G5 was enjoyed by squirrels. I still believe this deer is on this property and I will desperately search for his fresh sheds the rest of this sheddin' season. Buckeye had a thing for making me look sorry today. A squirrel had enjoyed this shed a little too much but the ole Buckeye from Ohio State saved it from further destruction. Yeah, insert my dink here. I finally found remnants from a shed which may have roamed the earth with dinosaurs. Buckeye ends his day with his best shed yet. He basically stole this shed from me and shoved me into some briars. What a jerk. I gave Buckeye a big enough lead, I figured I would flex my muscles a little bit and show him how to find "freshies" And to cap off the day, I finished strong finding the match to my first shed of 2009. The sheds, in all of their glory! With Buckeye pretty much stating he is a shed hunting master in IL since he hasn't found a shed in Ohio yet (after 30 hours of searching), he is pretty confident he is going to waste 30 more hours finding nothing. Next stop.....Missouri, to pick up a certain Diamond in the Rough called Mobow.
Nicely done Buckeye and Bols.. I take it.. it was your land Bols? Looks like you have some explaining to do since you missed a few of those over the years... chump.:d
Well done, fellas. Bols, you should try hunting for the things that carry those around:D Think of all the more bone that would have been found had a GOPHER been in the mix.
Bols, it looks like you shed hunt as much as much as you bowhunt!! You really need to get out more Benjamin!!
Whoa, The 4 pnt int the middle, with all the tips chewed off... I have a shed that looks EXACTLY like that... I mean it looks like you walked in my house took it, laid it with the rest and snapped a few pics...
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! !!!!!!!!!! I can't take it!!!!!!! I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!! Good lookin sheds there fellas.....Good lookin sheds. Guess I'm gonna hear all about this crap on the ride tomorrow..... AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Nice work gentleman! There's always that feeling of optimism, when you find a biggin', that just maybe, he's still out there... waiting for you.
Man what a good day not bad for a couple of green horns be safe guys on the trip, and by all means buy some ear plugs, we all know of Dubbya's snoring problem when he gets on the sauce :d
Bols I was gonna warn you Buckeye was after your shedhunting Mojo but after seeing all the " old " sheds buckeye found... maybe you are better off letting him have it. It must not be working very good for you ?? :huh: Seriously congrats on the finds today !! Tim