lol, this is to funny... I'm surprised the Ranch Fairy made it on this list, only time I see him is when The Hunting Public go down to TX and try to kill hogs.. FOC is bogus to me.. would of like to see Steven Rinella myself.. cant get 5 min into his show without turning it off.
Correct me I may be wrong. Isn't there a sign over allowance on these draws? I swear that I saw where one hunting show,some years ago, had a major call around trying to get sign over tags in such units. Again I will say I have no idea on how that works as a financial matter,but I think I also recall them mentioning a payout for such tags.
I wish I could remember the hunting show , it was years ago. The guy was on the phone calling contacts to get the tags others had drawn. I'm not sure if they were guides or just industry contacts. My mentioning this was to illicit comments from those that know the rules and explain how he managed getting tags...he was able to get some as I recall. I'm sure every state has different rules regarding this. Such as in NYS you can sign over your extra doe tags ,not buck but doe, 2 I believe to others. That was just an example.
I've racked my brain trying to remember the show...seriously I can remember him sitting in front of a big window over looking the drive in the pine cabin At an oak table with paper in front of him camo cap on . Just not the show or guys name...How stupid...
Oldnotdead, I understand. I tell people all the time I have a brain like a steel trap. It is a little rusty and the spring is gone
There are states that allow tag transfers or at least have been in the passed. It is illegal in KS. Somewhat recently here in KS we had a new state represented elected. The guy also happened to own a outfitting business. The first law he proposed to be changed is the transfer of tags. Of course he tried to play it off it wasn't for his own benefit. The guy will never get my vote. I don't care if I have to vote democrat and that says a whole heck of a lot!!! You think outfitters tie up all the land now.... Just imagine if they could sale tags to their out of state clientele.
My thing is names growing up and even now was miserable. My brain isn't a sieve it is a colander when it comes to names. I've told several accounts of this ,even forgetting my own name at a point. I can remember great details about a person, conversations with them please God never ask me a name. Family gatherings were a gut wrenching experience EVERY TIME! To this day I have no idea the names of Aunts ,Uncles, cousins. People have to be in my close circle for me to remember. I have had very long detailed conversations with people,they would walk away and I would turn to a stranger near by and say..." I have no idea who that was"' I hate when people approach me when I'm with other people. I can not introduce them. It makes me break out in a cold sweat.