he is spot on in his assertions of the most annoying bowhunting celebrities (some are such only in their own minds ). https://theangrybowhunter.com/2022/01/24/bowhuntings-most-annoying-personalities-ranked/ https://theangrybowhunter.com/
100% correct on this one ... .... sure to tee off a few .. (btw.. they are NOT BOWhunting .. ) https://theangrybowhunter.com/2022/01/28/are-crossbow-hunters-bowhunters/
many think exactly what he is writing, they aint got the nads to put it in words though .. he is spot on in many of his thoughts .......
Life’s too short to give a F about what others are doing. Especially in a negative light, people need to be more constructive and quit looking over the fence.. exact reason I don’t have IG or FB.
I agree ^^^, there is much he says I agree with (damn crossthingys for instance and the so-called 'celebrities') .., even in his humorous blunt ways ... Hell, I liked Trump for much of what he said during his time at POTUS ... however, there were times I wished he'd have shut up and let the dems do their circular firing squad ... why mince words because someone may get butthurt ..
I wish Rogan's buddies would have forced him to knock on some doors before he got the chance to harvest anything....long gone is putting in the work and earning it....why do that when you have money and guides?
There was one sentence in all that which tapped the truth behind the piece. The premise of Joe Rogan and his followers clogging up public hunting lands. He doesn't like other hunters hitting his lands as it were. That said, he's right on some of the peacocking that goes on out there. Some are entertaining most annoying. Then you have the pettiness. The great thing is, most have a brain and self will. Fingers to just not click on what we don't enjoy and let everyone else do their own thing.
Honestly, some of his "list" made me laugh out loud. I take most of it as satire but there is some truth to some of the people he has on the list. I do disagree with one on his list. The Born and Raised guys. While I agree they are definitely responsible for the influx of "asshats" in the mountains out west, I've read different things on different forums to form that opinion, they are, however, showing that good hunting can be had on public land and are big supporters of public lands. Something that the outdoor channel personalities have long forgotten about in favor of these highly controlled and curated private land hunting they do.
Joe Rogan is far from being a hunter. He is a "celebrity guest" that knows some real hunters and that's about it. Shouldn't have even made the list.
It wasn't about Rogan..It was about the people he may influence on hunting public lands. God forbid more people that aren't bird watching, biking, hiking, letting their dogs ****e up the trails and paths of public...he doesn't want actual hunters, hunting his public deer and Turkey.
Most of these guys hunt places the rest of us pions can only dream of hunting. There's public land that is draw units that usually take 20 years to draw for. Somehow, some of these guys get tags often for them.... hmmmm.