Troy is a BEAST in every sense of the word in a manner in which not many can even sniff close to. He kills deer up in the mountains few in general go to, let alone to simply chase "deer" as some would put it LOL.
Thanks for the assist! I was going to share that link and forgot to finish the post. It really is a good read.
It’s kind of funny that the one he missed was his teammate the last three years. I added you to the list for him.
Oh man I just checked the list and I made it twice! It was so long ago I forgot it ever happened. This year it's 200 club or bust.
i take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wouldn't pass him up just to make it on the list. with the way everyone scores for the contest, 2 inches could be added, and NO ONE would be the wiser!!!!!!!!!!! LOL i wouldnt do that thou!!!!!!!!!