As a contnuence to Iowa Veterans earlier thread It had me wanting to know for myself what my pin I need to use on MY Bow in this situation, and the only way for me to know this was to actually try it. This may vary with your set ups so dont count on just what my set up does, and dont depend only on what others are saying. You need to get out there and find the answer by actually doing this. I was 15' up and tried the shot as straight down as I could and then tried it at 8' from the tree and actually came out pretty much the same on both. The first pic is straight down. The bottom arrow is my 20 yd pin, the middle arrow was my 30 yd pin, and the top arrow was my 40 yd pin. The 20 yard pin (bottom arrow) may of gave me some problems if this was actually a Deer. I was aiming at the red spot. The next pic was at 8 ft from the tree. The bottom arrow was using my 20 yd pin, the middle was using my 30 yd pin, and the top arrow was using my 40 yd pin. again I was aiming at the red dot on all three pins. Really about the same as straight down other that with the distance change, the low arrow would most likly get the job done to. Try it your self, im interested what your results are.
Yeah but you better pack a lunch, dinner and probably breakfast for the 20 yard pin on the first animal. That's one lung at best. Great job Crick! :D Did you shoot your 50 or 60 yard pins?
No I didnt, but wish I would have. as you can see the 40 was a tad over my mark and the 50 and 60 would have been climbing.
I think all 3 of the first shots would be one lungers but they may have got the back of the heart... that's why I'm not a fan of that shot. It's got to hit the heart or you're in trouble.
actually, thank you If it wouldnt been for your post, I would be walking a fine line on this shot. Now I know for sure
Oh no! Thank You!!! (OK, now I'm feeling like one of those two rodents in the cartoons that spoke with an English accent! :p)
Dealt with it on a beautiful buck this year Crick. He's still out there and also in my head. Tough shot, one I don't think I could pass if the same shot presented itself again, but a very tough shot.
The biggest thing i notice here is how much difference 8 feet can make. None of the straight down shots are gonna gets 2 lungs(common sense i guess)....just one or maybe the heart if it is forward. I do notice on the 8 feet shots, that the angle was quartering away, which we all know is better. If it were straight broadside, I'm not sure how many of those shots i like either.
Great Post Dan. I was thinking about this while hunting on stand one day. I will definately be trying this out before next season