Where Isaac will be sitting for the first 2 months of the season: He has trails coming out about 15 yards to his left and right, and there is a big cattail swamp directly behind his blind. This is his view out the front: Its being monitored to see what is in the area: This is a pictures from one of the trails earlier in the summer: He should get some shot opportunities at some doe fawns at the least, and possibly a few turkeys. Also, i took this video in this field last year (and he ended killing this buck): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBurjEA2yGI
Hope the knee heals soon. Don't push it on the rehab. I did, now I need a knee replacement. Doc says I over did it a little.
Yea im wearing about 3 times a day for twenty mins and every night i leave it on. Im down to 4 1/2 weeks till im walking again, and probably 6 weeks from climbing a tree.
Yea i have to drink so much because the damn doctors are making take to many pills, plus it gets tiring trying to keep up with GMMAT on the post count.
LOL this is funny! Not to wish pain on anyone but you look like me! I had knee surgery two weeks ago. I should be good to go come opening day for us October 1st! Best of luck to you to heal and get back out! I am walking and everything now but still have two weeks of the therapy to do! I am used to the pain due to this is the third surgery on same knee for torn miniscus and other garbage but it is all good. They said they will have to rebuild but not going to do that till I get older. I am 35 now!
Geezs i wish i could walk only three weeks after my surgery, i had to wait six weeks to put full presure on it and probably a week after that i can walk, plus therapy till the end of the year.