Been popping in every now and again to see how the season is progressing for everyone- looks like some good ones hitting the dirt - congrats to all who have been succuessful I have been literally trapped at work for the last 3-4 weeks, starting to get a bit stir crazy and really need to be in the woods but at the same time thankful for a job and still an income The frustrating part is most of the land I have access to has been pounded or throughly walked over - stands I was saving for the rut - have been trampled and another guy in the club- said a new guy put stands right in my back pocket - seems like I know of 8-10 bucks great deer for NC have been taken with the little cold spell in the last week- a guy killed a 10 at the Anson club Friday and I can't even make it to the woods - Keep telling myself the best is yet to come but damn not much to look forward too - if everything is trampled and walked over time and time - put a lot of effort into getting a couple stands ready and now feel as though when I do get out will spend a lot of time back on the drawing board - just needed to vent and let off some steam Been already looking at aerials and have a few spots to check - if nothing else will check this and hit it hard with my climber - just trying to retain some optimism good luck fellas - keep dropping em and make sure share the pics
I'm with ya Frank. I set up on a decent 10 pt last week nice and early, Fresh rubs and scrapes everywhere, next too an abandon house, only to have someone come "home" as the deer started entering the field. Just my luck, first hunt of the year on this farm, ruined.
seems like plenty of challanges this year but will overcome them and still planning on slamming a good un
Brnk Arrow--best of luck to you. Some advice, just calm down and let it happen. Some things you cannot control. It seems to me over the years I am getting less and less time to hunt, so I am just trying to enjoy the days I get every year.
So did I....Hasn't been occupied in over a year (kind of a run down joint), but they're sure were lights on and talking saturday night.
Brknarrow, I hear you. I can sort of set my own hours and yet I've only been out four times since the Oct 1st opener. Just too busy with yard/garden stuff, butchering the deer we did get and of course... work. Now my mom is coming to visit again for a couple of days and I won't be able to get out. There are a bunch of other hunters on the property I hunt and they've been hunting the heck out of it. The bucks are already starting to move around so it bugs me to be at home. On the other hand, the best buck I saw out there was in December. So keep your chin up.
Thanks for the encouraging words guys and gals - will keep on studying the maps and planning for when I can be in the woods - just kinda down with all the prep work and feeling pressure cause can't take advantage of it - seems like no end in sight - I just need to call in for a day ha ha