“Yes dear”………. I must be getting old….sometimes I forget and say it myself! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
This year I had a guy at an archery range tells me he hits bullseyes at 100 yds...and for me to calm down as he launched arrows from behind me at a homemade target.
“Cull” Buck. Even though it’s been proven you can’t change the genetics on a property by shooting “undesirable” bucks. Guess what, the does carry the genes too. Go tell me which doe has good rack genes and bad rack genes.
I admit im guilty of a few that annoy even myself. And i think its because they are just so freaking common that its just become the lingo. 1.Most words that classify a big buck. -shooter, toad, pig, hog, tank, joker, stud, and the worst absolute giant. We actually have fun with this and see what just to sound ridiculous . 2. Smoked in conjunction with the above. I just Smoked a giant. Smoked a toad smoked an absolute giant. Etc. Add in the Stan Potts shaky whisper while uttering the above. 3. Not sure why this one bugs me but referring to multiple does as doe and multiple bucks as buck. Maybe this is just different in parts of the country. I know there is more. In the end i really dont care just annoyances not any thing i cant stand. Alot of it just sounds ridiculous.
It's also a term for trapping. You make a set. Probably some cross over from that. But if I setting a stand, I call it a set. It includes multiple things like suggested. In my mind I just assumed meaning stand and climbing method. Not multiple stands on one tree. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk