Continuous improvement, 5 why and let’s document the process. I have a quality meeting to go to in an hour. Those 3 statements are the worst because nothing ever changes.
Two years ago in this thread my contribution was I didn't like when people said, "I had an ENCOUNTER with X amount of deer this morning." Maybe I had some affect because I don't hear it as often. Lately another phrase has give me the cringe and you beat me to it. "I hunted this deer hard this season." Uh, you took off work and sat in a tree multiple times enjoying nature.
I’ve heard “chili buck” three or four times this week on two different podcasts. Thought of this thread. This one irks me. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I have never been one to drag it out, wait till it is time, get in get out. My shortest season lasted 3 hours one season.
Well I hunted HARD this weekend. I only shoot doe and never shot a buck and average over 100 deer on camera from 6-8AM and about 70 deer 4-6PM. This hurricane got my deer messed up. I never missed an opening day since I was 6 and I'll be 53 in Nov so I sat in the rain from 4:48AM-6:45PM. All my deer are hunkered down somewhere. Did see 736 squirrels. Only 735 of them lived. I shot one with my bow. I had some ribs at home soaking in Jack Daniels BBQ sauce and I added the squirrel to the pellet grill when I cooked my ribs. First time I've eat or even killed a squirrel or rabbit since I was a teenager.
that ones a little close to home instead I use terms that are much less pretentious like Kaizen, Gemba, TIMWOODS, CEDAC, Poka-Yoke, Hansei, Hoshin kanri, JIT.... but i suppose this post of mine is just NVA
I still say both of those, but intentionally to signal my status as a middle-aged uncool white dude. Funny enough I picked that up from a girl I dated back in high school. Whitest white farm girl you ever met, and she would intentionally say that at the most inappropriate times. Like a teacher would make a point and she would just drop a loud 'true that, Mrs. Smith' or 'word up' from the back of class. It was hilarious.