I had the pleasure of meeting Trevor and his friend Jason the other night. They came through town on their way to go Sitka blacktail hunting here in Kodiak. My house was full to capacity with guests so I let them pitch tents out back. I was able to get them out on the boat for an afternoon of pretty slow fishing but we were able to put a couple coho salmon in the boat and have a great day out on the water. Trevor's just a great person; everything you'd expect from a well raised southern gentleman! I'll try to get some pics up when I find the time but I'm in the middle of a mad scramble to get things together for my own hunt so it may not be until we're all back. I'm hoping they've got a couple of their three bucks each on the ground by now and will add to the photo bonanza. If you ever get a chance to meet this guy you won't regret it!
Pretty "southern" of yourself to be so hospitable, Rob! Can't wait 'til someday I can get up your way and chase bears with you.
Man, what a trip that must be. This forum certainly has made a lot of people hunting partners. Good luck on the upcoming trip!
Good on you Rob! It's all about being a brother. You, my friend, take brotherhood to the nth degree! Good on you! I cannot wait to see Trev's photos. Make sure you take some of your own, will ya! Good luck out there!
Thanks but I'm just paying forward all the generosity and hospitality that has been shown to me over the years. I'm a firm believer in that.