Trevor hooked me up with a guy named David Skinner who got me a remote for my SG550. It came in the mail on Saturday, I have not, nor did he ask for any money. Thank you very much Mr. Skinner and Trevor. Trevor does he sell camera's? If so I want to be sure to buy my next one from him. Get me the info that would be super, I know I ask a lot:D
Had some venison sausage pizza from Trevor's deer this weekend Mmmm... Mmmm!!! That was some good stuff you left behind Trev! Brian thanks you every time we eat some, especially since it doesn't look like he's going to fill his tags.
HAHA rub it in why don't ya?! I may have to head back next year to sample some pizza before we head out! I did get to eat two full backstraps, and that soup your wonderfully awesome GF was pretty darned good meat! Tell Brian I'll try my dangdest to fill his freezer again next August.:D Maybe even fly home a cooler of my own this time.
You didn't even answer the OP :D ...Dave sure makes a damn good turkey call!! Lost River Game Calls ROCK.
Trevor is cool, Dave not so much. jk. Enjoy the cam Germ. Look forward to seeing some great trail cam pics.
Trev is a damn good guy. He's experienced some cool stuff and is very knowledgeable when it comes to this bowhunting thing.
No you weren't!:D Kelly is honestly the only guy I know who drives around with TWO B&C bucks in his backseat buckled in. Something about keeping him company when he is lonely. Why should I when Scott did on the front page?:D