Setup is fine for whitetail. I’d throw a Magnus stinger buzzcut 4 blade on there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stay with the Rage broadhead. The Hypodermic is one of the best broadheads on the market. Take a look at the Easton FMJ. It will give you the additional weight you want and they hit like a brick. On my Halon, I still shoot the Rage Deep Six Hypodermic on the Easton Injexion Deep Six FMJ arrows. Deadliest combination I have used to this date.
Just got home with this PSE Xpedite and holy COW! I've got speed baby! With my short draw I've never been blessed with any speed. Well shooting my hunting arrow setup, 26.5in draw. 80# limbs. I'm getting 306fps. I'm super happy with that Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
I wasnt a fan of the 80# limbs, shoulder wasn't happy about it, ended up turning it town to 74lbs which is close to what my Creed is. Still shooting 284fps which is legal for competition so I'm happy. Those are also without the fast mods. Would be scared to see what it shoots with fast mods Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
I have not chronographed it but I would say it's 270 ish... based what i have shot with other bows. I can shoot to about 25-27 yds with one pin and not have to adjust anything.
I shot Muzzy for a long time. killed a lot of deer with them. But I went to Rage in 2010 and never looked back. The blood trails are just to massive to ignore. And, I have made some marginal shots that would have been lost deer with a fixed head. But the rage massive cut saved me. It is what it is. I have killed 64 deer with a bow and there were more than a few that were not the greatest shot. So I see it as just one more thing to help when I make an error. I know people talk hitting bone. I have never had an issue with ribs. Now, even with a fixed head I have lost deer hitting the shoulder plate. NOT the cartilage that surrounds it. lots of folks assume they are 'blowing through both shoulder" when in reality they are not. Anyways, Im going to try and stick with 375-400 gr with my arrows and let it eat
26.5" draw, shot 430 grain arrow at 64# with a Trypan with good results withe the PSE Xpedite. Using the Evolve 31 this year at 65# with 415gr. Going to try the Iron Will Wide 125s.
It is impossible to tell you what weight arrow to shoot cause all bows and setups will shoot different. What i suggest it to start with the correct spine arrow. If your buying new arrows buy two different spines, i bought a 300, and 350 spine and started from there. Then you can buy a test kit of field tips, from 200 grains to 300 grains. Paper tune your arrows with each field point weight and see which one shoots the best. To start, make sure your bow is set up correctly and paper tune in and bare shaft. If the arrows are flying true then start playing with tip weight. Once you get which spine and tip weight fly the best, then you got your estimated arrow weight. So lets say the 300 spine shoots better then the 350 and shoots great with a 225 grain field point. Then when you get your arrows made or make them yourself, add a 100 grain insert then you can shoot any 125 grain broadhead, and you'll be at the same weight that you know flys best. Then after you pick a broad head, shoot it with your field points tot make sure they are flying true.