hey im a newb to bow hunting and archery in general, im just wondering if anyone could give me tips on shooting like whats the best techniques and should i or should i not use pin sights. Also is there any little modifications that i could do to my recurve bow. Thanks
I'm reluctant to say there is a "best way".. There is a best way.. for me.. I'd be the last one to say that it would be the best for you because it may not be.. I think a good investment for you might be the Masters of the Barebow video series. It offers a variety of shooting methods, pick what works for you AND have fun. Chris
anchor point,anchor point!!!when you find that one spot that works stick with it,another thing i have found myself doing is over drawing my bow,you don't need to get it back to your ear,practice at 5 yards until your release and anchor point are automatic then the fun will begin,it wont take long and you will be flinging arrows nicely at 20 yards,have fun and don't be worried about breaking or losing arrows.
I would imagine that the same core techniques for firing a rifle apply to this. Like they said, anchor/point...make sure your form is the same each shot.