Thanks BC, amazing what you can do when you don't have a job, nor social life, nor anything else to do!
Think that works great like that Mark! Now I can't wait to see my team on that list now that we are on the leaderboard!!! Thanks again!
and just so you know, if you don't like graphs, I can do charts too! Like this one: A lemon merangue pie chart
I've been thinking lemon merangue all afternoon now! Don't worry Jim, Team 13's portion will grow smaller so none of ya get fat!
Mmmm, I like pie! Good thing our season opens tomorrow... btw-nice graphs too! Thanks again for the work guys!
I commented before seeing that he was going update the chart in the first post. Note to self, read all comments before opening the mouth and inserting the foot.
Evidently I cleaned up the wrong photos from Photobucket. Don't worry, it'll be back and updated on Saturday.