Hey guys, I can change the deer element (elk) to something more deer like. I mistakingly used "Wrecking" in place of "Reckin'" so will fix that. I would have been happy to have used the prior idea of the wrecking ball swinging crane with an arrowhead hitting a deer and a hunter driving it but it needs to be something simple that relays well in a small avatar or sig tag and something like that would be basically unrecognizable as to what story it was trying to tell. If you have any other idea I'd be glad to try to work them into a design.
That is perfect covey ty Mathews Chill X NAP Carbon apache HHA optimizer Pine ridge stab CX Maxima Hunters
You're all very welcome, glad it worked out! Good luck this season everyone. Lay some Booners on the ground!
It's getting closer fellas Hopefully I can help put some points on the board for us this year Mathews Chill X NAP Carbon apache HHA optimizer Pine ridge stab CX Maxima Hunters
I am going to the doctor tomorrow to see if they can up my weight restriction to so 70 pounds so I can start to shoot again it is driving me nuts. The avatar looks sweet.
I made a fresh batch of jerky So now I have to fill the freezer soon Mathews Chill X NAP Carbon apache HHA optimizer Pine ridge stab CX Maxima Hunters
I can't tell you that peak then you'll never eat any again Mathews Chill X NAP Carbon apache HHA optimizer Pine ridge stab CX Maxima Hunters
As far as I know everyone likes the avatar so it's the one I'm going to use Mathews Chill X NAP Carbon apache HHA optimizer Pine ridge stab CX Maxima Hunters
I don't know if its the right way but this is how i did it. Ive got it as my signature. 1) save image to desktop 2) settings 3)edit avatar 4) choose file 5) upload 6) save changes 7) winning!!