Congrats on the land! Season starts here in Alabama on October 15th. I may also get to hunt a few days in South Carolina this year as well. My little brother bought a place last year and he has 29 acres on his place. He also has access to the 296 acres surrounding him. They can also legally hunt over corn. I hope everyone has a great season!
I lost my photo shop on my PC I did ask Fitz but he is way to busy right now Mathews Chill X NAP Carbon apache HHA optimizer Pine ridge stab CX Maxima Hunters
I will see if I can find anyone else u know to put one together for us Mathews Chill X NAP Carbon apache HHA optimizer Pine ridge stab CX Maxima Hunters
I won a draw hunt that requires me to shoot a recurve this year. Is anyone else hunting with a recurve? Im starting to shoot ok with it but its definitely not easy.
Good luck with that. I have a few buddies that hunt with long bows and they say they love it. BTW Maryland season starts Sept 5th. I'll be in Colorado for the first week.
Hope you enjoy your house and land Tim . I got out to my land today set up my one blind and one of my camera's if I get some good pic's I let you know . Hope your not mad at me because of the facebook post . Have me scratching my head about this .I'm starting to really hate facebook . Your friend alway's xring 300
Im going out of town to one of my hunting lands all weekend! no cell phone service no internet its gonna be great!
Well fellas I got my Bowbat XL in lost camo today and let me say this it is fricken sweet! Love the lost camo and I really can't say enough about the company, the price, or the quality of how this thing is made! It's really like they've thought of every scenario of how this bowcase/pack could be useful and made it happen.