That's a cool experience. Does it look like a shooter? At least your seeing bucks during the daylight hours.
I would have shot it. I couldn't get a good count on points, but I could see a split brow tine. The rack was as wide as his ears and pretty tall. Maybe he'll stick around the area so I can get a better look.
I was able to get out last evening but I only saw a doe and a spike. It's supposed to get warm again next week, so I think that will slow down the movement even more.
We are headed out this afternoon for the weekend. This will be the last for me until first of November. Full moon suppose to get warmer again man hope we see something. But always better than work lol Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Going to be driving down to the Bob Evans festival this weekend when I get off of work. That means time in a tree as our 90 acres hunting property is right there haha. We went to our new house last night. Dropped some corn in the back yard and had 6-8 doe on it within 30 minutes. We close on the 21st, I'll be in a tree All weekend unless I tag a doe this weekend. I have a few shooters on camera I'll post the photos in a few.
This weather sucks. I passed on 2 does and a button buck last night. Not that I would even consider shooting but it was nice to see some deer finally. They were eating in my apple orchard. You can guess where I am again tonight. Good wind too.
My sit Thursday was a good one. No shot but seen 8 deer. 4 bucks, 1 was a shooter. 2 fawn 1 was a BB and 2 doe. I don't like to shoot doe with babies, but one was into me so she almost got an arrow. She was quartering to hard for a shot. Friday's sit was slow. I'll be hunting mon-fri. It warmed up a good bit here which stinks but can't kill one from the couch.
It's hot here. 70 degrees again this week... I had people walk directly under my stand today. They had no idea I was there. It was the craziest thing.
Hunted a fair amount this weekend and the warm up has killed the deer action..only saw 1 six point and 2 does all weekend which is pretty terrible for me..probably won't get back out till this next weekend. I'm ready for rut lol
lol Now I feel blessed. That's summer heat. I can't see anything with a fur coat moving in that stuff. Only saw a button and some does this weekend. Very very thin this year. I'm going to hopefully get up to the lease soon.
Lol well I got us on the board need to upload pics he isn't a huge deer by any means but I was hungry lol Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Congrats Eric, especially since you were hunting in 95 degree heat. Can't wait to see what you got. I saw a spike and doe Saturday morning and 3 spikes and a few fawns that evening. Two of the spikes were sparring pretty hard.
Here are a few photos of what i am after this year. The huge wide 8 point and the big 11 point are on my co workers farm I would really like to get a shot at him. He is out during daylight generally in the am but has also cruised by just after or around dark. The massive monster is on a friend property right near my house and I am hoping to get a chance to get in there and after him. The 10 point with no mass Im going to pass on but wife and wifes uncle really want to shoot him. Is on wifes family property along with a handful of other younger deer. the last several years really on doe were on the property, giving them something to eat has them on the 90 acres pretty often a 30 acre meadow on a mountain side with water and cover and now food is a great place for them. I close on my house this friday and will be in a stand saturday morning wife jumped a huge buck a few weeks ago next to the barn and every night Ive been out there several doe are eatting crab apples and corn 20 yards from the back deck.I walked up about 10 feet from them and they watched me then went back to eating. I would really like to entice them further in the yard 6.5 acres with a feeder and hope that since the old owners fed them but never hunted them, that they will draw in a nice buck.
That's some nice Looking Bucks Robbie. I wish I had so many choices to choose from. Good Luck to you.
The real problem is others hunt the same land, and my new house is 45 minutes from work. Coworkers house is 45 minutes the other direction near hocking hills, and families land is 2.5 hours away in Lawrence county Ohio. I work monday to friday 7am-4pm sometimes 5pm and with it gettign dark so quick i dont have time to catch a shower and drive that far to hunt. Going to try to hunt my new house this weekend while im moving and next weekend, then following weekend ill be in PA visiting my daughter, then the next ill be in nc for sister in laws wedding. meh no time for anything
You'll find time here and there. The big boys in Ohio usually don't start moving in daylight until the end of October. Try and get some hunts in before the time change, because then you won't get any evening hunts in thru the week.
Well guys this is a start lol a small start. He measured 64 in lil 8 point. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
There we go! Awesome job! Way to get it done. Tell us the story. Congrats man. Way to put us on the board. Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.