DAMN SHANE THAT IS A MONSTER!! Sorry about the caps, work computer. My update, nothing. Worked all week then left thursday to drive to NC for my wifes sisters wedding and to move all of the rest of my stuff up to ohio. Last night after work I went out to feed the live decoys and pull my camera card. I got a suprise, well a few suprises. As you guys know i just bought my house. Ive seen a few nice looking young 8 and 9 points. Well their daddies are on foot looking for the ladies that live on my 6 acres. All day sits saturday and sunday hopefully i can catch one tripping. The heart breaker is that those day light photos of that monster is 30 yard clean shot from my stand 20 feet from my back deck and I was out in the woods behind him looking for the doe my wife shot friday night before.
Good Luck getting that buck this weekend. I thought about going to OHIO this weekend but the forecast changed my mind. I know the deer will always be out, but when the wind is blowing 20 - 30 MPH, they don't tend to move much.
I am hoping that they may still come look for a lady and the ladys are behind my barn all day when its cold. Ive seen nice ones, but havent seen anything like him. Thanks Im going to do my best if not or if the opportunity presents its self ill tag a doe
Only had 1 doe without fawn eating today the rest had their fawns still, so Im guessing they havent went into heat yet. I sat from noon until 530, the wind was blowing so hard that i now have 3 more trees down that I need to cut up that got blown over. at 530 the temp was 35 with wind chill of 24 and snowing hard. 3 legged doe moves slow and kept winding me.when it switched direction. I heard youth gun season opened today had a few rounds popping off across the road and up the ridge from me. Going tosit in the am, then have to move some stuff around and get a few things from the trailer Ive really needed to unload and havent got time. And i need to get some insulated boots, the rural king by my house has ducks unlimited 400 insulated boots for 59.00 This has been my best deer season ever. I have been waiting and holding off on shooting a doe, but next time i get a shot on the 3 legged doe shes going down. I hope you guys get a chance to get out this weekend and put some meat in the freezer.
Man its been a good weekend so far. I am not allowed to shoot does where I'm at an I have one more buck tag. I saw 3 shooters so far one was mature one a lil young 10 point all we have to have is 8 points to be a shooter on this lease. An the big 10 was 20 yards but behind a branch an never gave me the shot. The one mature 8 is not a good scoring deer so I was holding out looking for a big 8 that we have been seeing but my wife laid him down this evening!!! I'm very proud of her. So now I'm back to looking for the deer I passed up hahh Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Sucks that yoou cant shoot any does, clearing some of them out would get the big bucks having to travel to find some ladies. Congrats to your wife!!
The reason is we had a big die off a few years ago so we are trying to build the herd up. This is one of the first years that we have deer of this caliber here. An several of them but maybe next year. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I'm with you on the does that snort at me. That is there death wish to me. I mark them and when it's late in the season, I put the smack down on her. Good luck getting the 3 legged doe.
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Take time with your families and enjoy it. I'm headed to Ohio Friday morning and don't plan on coming back until late Monday night. Good Luck to everyone hunting this weekend.
Hope you see something in Ohio. I'm headed back to the lease tonight with the family. Just a question dmax if I shoot another buck we can count thay as a doe correct? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
My dad and I had a good week here in Montana. I shot the elk with a rifle, as I left my bow in the truck. The killer part about it is that I shot him broadside at 30 yards, which is a chip shot with a bow. It's my first elk so I'm still super pumped. Dad and I hunted the muley for 2 days with my bow, and we only got 60 yards from him. I passed him with a rifle twice, but on the last day I decided that I would pick up the gun because he was a nice one. Oh well, no bow kills, but regardless I had an absolute blast with my dad in the mountains. I'll be back in the stand tomorrow, and I will enter both bucks tomorrow as well. Good luck team Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
I'm on the board again lol. Just count as a doe but that's ok. I had fun. This is the buck i passed last week after I had saw the bigger one then my wife shot that afternoon hahah. Well he gave me another chance should not have done that hahahah Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Congrats on the nice Elk Shane. Congrats on your 2nd Buck Eric. I had one opportunity on Sunday night. I had a 110" 8 point hang around for an hour. I measured him twice and I couldn't come up with any more and he's only a 3.5 year old so he got to live another day. Gun season is in now. I'm hoping to go back out to Ohio this weekend and I intend on taking my crossbow and gun at the same time. I've been doing that for the last 15 years and so far I haven't had to use the gun. It supposed to be really cold this weekend and with all of the hunters surrounding our property they should get pushed in. Only time will tell.
Hey guys. Gave the taxi a call. my euro will be back by sunday. He told me that he wasnt busy and I would get it back a week after I gave it too him. I didnt enter it for that reason. Anyway, he started working on some shoulder mounts, and e got busy. Anyway, my 1st buck wil be scored and entered as soon as I pick it up. Im going to enter the second one right now.I will be hunting wisconsin during the late season. We have good foodplots up there, so it should be good.