I think that logo looks great! Any time a team member steps up to volunteer their time to do something I will be the last one to critique lol. Yesterday evening treated my son and I much better! Trapper was pumped as these were his first three geese ever taken. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@illinibowhunter that's what I'm talking about! Good shooting y'all! Judging by his smile it looks like a future waterfowler has been made.
I’m getting pretty fired up. Been getting hard horned pictures and less than a month to go. My goal this year is to hunt every week of the season most years I have waited for first frost but I’m trying to spread myself out this year. Got a 3-d shoot this weekend I might be participating in too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No bucks on my cam in a few weeks. Going to put out some scrapes this weekend and see what comes through
I peed in a scrape when I moved a cam last weekend and that very night a nice buck came and worked it got so fired up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just don’t drink a lot of beer right before yours should work too lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been pretty slow on cams for the last week, had the first hard horns of the year though so it might be time to adjust the locations a little bit. Eagerly awaiting october
It’s been getting down into the 50’s at night I can almost smell it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think the high here tomorrow is 57 or something like that... I'll be on a golf course, but my mind will be in the woods
We've been having a few small cold fronts come through that has made the evenings feel nice. I planned on going out and putting some cameras out today but we reached 90 degrees... I think I'll wait a day or two.
Here soon enough I will switch my focus back to deer hunting but for now I am going to keep smacking birds until early goose season is complete. Starting to amass enough doves to make some wild prairie grillers on the blackstone!
Only 3 more weekends after this one to get through before I can hunt weekends. 7 more weekends to get through I have to work following them. The 8th weekend my rutcation starts. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's been a week since I've had any buck pictures but I'm steadily getting a few slick heads every morning... I'm not too picky, ol slick better watch out come Oct 1
I pretty much always take the first doe that gives me an easy shot. Last year was the first year I didn’t take a doe in as many years as I can remember. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk