Well yall, I know this one would have been a lot better for our ol score card but I finally caught up to my main target buck of 3 years. It’s been a hell of a chase and I’m kinda sad it’s over with.
Another knife project. Decided to try something with G10 Ultrex scales and G10 liners. This one turned out way nicer than the others. I even decided to play around with Kydex and made a sheath for it, have some final sanding and rivets to press in and it is all done.
I like knives and that is a good looking practical knife well done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks! It's a real handy size. (6 1/4" OAL) with 2 3/4" blade. I prefer this size for cleaning game and skinning.
Phew I too went Mia but I’m popping back in. I have this weekend and I’m actually taking my bow out here in Illinois. My target buck is still alive and showed himself last week. I have never shot a buck in January but would love to this weekend. I’ve been trapping hard. Before all this weather came in a week ago I am up to 50 raccoons 35 opossum 5 skunk and 1 coyote. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well my late season plans had a series of wrenches thrown into them and I never made it back out. Season in MI ended on Sunday for late antlerless. Good luck to you guys still getting out! Hopefully everything settles down for a while and I can enjoy some ice this winter, first time in three years we have had local ice I feel comfortable going out on.
Thats a good looking knife! Definitely my preferred size as well for everything between the field and getting the boned out meat on a cutting board. I've been playing around with a few myself, trying to run the scales on my cnc router in between jobs, so far success is limited... Biggest hiccup is getting the holes to line up right, I couldn't find dimensions or a pattern for them so I have been going off a picture and known dimensions of the holes. Hopefully this next run ends up being the winner.
Man I'd love to try out some CNC stuff! I'm sure once you get it programmed for the exact scales you need, you'll knock em out fast!
Well guy's, another hunting season has came and gone! We may not have won but we sure gave em a run for their money! It was an honor being on a team with you all! Wish we could stick together and take that W next year! We'll see y'all next season!!!
Great job team! Sorry I didn't not contribute. It's been a nightmare with my wife since end of January. Hospital stay of 12 days with AFIB, 2 clots in her left lung. Some damn fungi in her right lung. Several clots in her left leg along with cellulitis. She got admitted again last night so they are going to shock her heart tomorrow to try and bring her heart out of AFIB. Again you guys did awesome and I wish we could keep this team for next fall and give her a run. Good luck next season!
Peakrut I am sorry to hear what your wife is going through. Hopefully her health improves soon and life can stabilize and calm a bit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’ll give you all a quick update of my winter trapping. We hit it hard this fall and really tried to get some of our nest raiders in check to help out our quail and turkey populations. For the year we took… 76 raccoon 40 opossum 9 skunk 1 coyote And this week I managed to get out some spring beaver lines and have connected with an otter and three beavers so far! Hope everyone is doing well! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great Job!!! Keep up the great work. I think I'm gonna start coon calling. I watched a video of someone doing that and it looked fun as heck!