Hunted morning and evening today, two pretty good sits. Saw 2 bucks a doe and two fawns this morning and 2 bucks 2 does and 3 fawns this evening. I probably won’t be back out until at least Thursday or Friday. The bring is about to begin. I’ve got 9 vacation days to play with so I’ll take them as needed.
Hunted yesterday evening, seen 4 does, a button and a forky. All of my shooters are no where in sight. Hoping they are just on their first little cruise and will be returning soon. This cold front hit and they disappeared....
I’ve seen somewhat of the same but I’ve also had a couple new bucks stretching their feet onto my main farm. One I really hope sticks around, not a high scoring deer but a really really cool deer
Went to another spot on our new farm yesterday evening. Seen 7 does, a spike and a 7pt. Still trying to figure this farm out. It's all hardwoods with a few gas lines running through it. We did some dozer work in the summer and planted two food plots, but without rain they have barely came up. It does have 3,000 acres of no hunting located to the west of it.
Here is one of the plots we put in that I sat at yesterday. Red oak holler on the left, heavy cover on the right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yet again it almost happened last night. He hung up at 60-70 yards just feeding until dark. He was covered 50 yards in about 5 seconds and stopped, had my bow in hand until a few minutes before the end of legal and finally got binos on him. I’m 90% sure it was this buck and I want a closer look to make the call but I’m pretty sure I’d give him a ride in the truck. I think it’s only a matter of time on this new property before I connect.
Observation sit for the evening. Didn’t want to sit too close to my good stands with the wind switching straight south by the end of the night. This stand can be good as well though so I’m ready in case.
Well, it's 1:00 am and I still have 2 hours to work. A Saturday morning hunt is out of the question. I'll be out in the afternoon. I may take my granddaughter for the Oklahoma youth hunt. I'll probably bring my crossbow along and try for a doe. She has her heart set on killing a buck bigger than her last. Sent from my SM-G990U1 using Tapatalk
I'm getting the next generation interested in archery. My granddaughter Aubree is 8. She wanted to practice with her Papa Friday afternoon. Sent from my SM-G990U1 using Tapatalk
Not much luck this evening. I only saw a fawn right at the end of legal shooting light. I now have five shooters on the same camera. He won't score high, but he's cool. Sent from my SM-G990U1 using Tapatalk
Just an update. Hunted hard last week and had a few problems but all looks good now. Had a couple of good encounters with some smaller bucks but not what I’m looking for. Finally got my target buck on camera again after been MIA. I decided to go buy 4 more camera and put them all around where I go this pic to try and get more of an idea where I can hunt him. I might get out 1 day this week then after that I will be doing 3-5 days a week for 3 weeks before rifle season so plenty of time yet.
Have a few days of hot weather on us so I’m going to take a couple days off to regroup. Saturday morning I did have an awesome sit, seeing around 15 deer, 6-7 being bucks. I saw it all, chasing, grunting, snort wheezing, sparring. The only thing missing was a mature buck. I also hunted yesterday morning and was able to check a couple cameras on one of the new properties. One of my target bucks is all over the property and if I’m in the right spot at the right time I think he’s very killable. He’s not a real high scoring deer but he’s mature and seems to be running the block
Got a few hunts in over the weekend. Only chances I had at does were when I was in my target bucks area. Didn’t want to jack up the place so no shots taken. Last pic was Friday night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Daylight photos are picking up. This heat wave will suppress them in the evenings, but in a couple days we have a weather correction with temps coming back to a little below season average temps. My best buck made an appearance last evening, with shooting light no less. I was at home.... First I've got photos of him in two weeks. Wasn't meant to be yesterday apparently.
I had a close call yesterday morning. I got in my stand before daylight. Shortly after sunrise, I heard a deer blow downwind. The next several hours were uneventful, seeing only squirrels and armadillos. About 10:30, I hung my crossbow up and was preparing to climb down when I heard leaves crunching. I tried to get my crossbow, but it was too late. The buck saw me about the same time I saw him. He was at 15 yards. He had long main beams well outside his ears, plenty of mass and tall g-2s. The rest of his points were all short. I'm not sure how many points he had. I have no pictures of him on camera. I'll give it another shot on Sunday. There are at least 6 shooters in the area of my stand with several rubs and srapes opening up. Sent from my SM-G990U1 using Tapatalk
I looked over some pictures. I'm positive this is the buck I saw yesterday. Sent from my SM-G990U1 using Tapatalk
Off work the next few days. Hoping to get a few sits in minimum. Had two shooters daylight the past 2 days so hopefully that happens again. Both of my top bucks have broken tines in the past week unfortunately. Typically the next week is the best on our property. Just starting and the bucks are usually on their feet in our WRP grass and cattails and stage to head to the woods. Good luck everyone!
Got a doe tonight. Will get it on the board tomorrow. I have got lots of bucks on camera and that will be my goal for the next few weeks. Looking at hunting all weekend.