Well that was an interesting morning. Woke up to rain and wind. Rain doesn't bother me. Wind does. But I headed out anyway. I staked down the blind as best I could and gave it a go. I didn't expect to hear any gobbling at all, but there was 1 bird talking pretty good. With winds in excess of 20 mph, I had my hands full keeping the blind on the ground. Somehow in the pandemonium, I broke the fiber optic on my sight. Yeah, I shoot a single pin sight. Bummer. By 8 I was tired of fighting the blind, and after poking 2 holes in the wall, busting my fiber and not seeing any birds, I headed to the house. I downed chow, fixed my sight and grabbed a bunch of good tent stakes. The ones I had are JUNK. By 9 I had the blind immobilized and sat the rest of the day. I saw 2 jakes but they wanted nothing to do with my set up. Back to work tomorrow, but I'll be back at it Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Good luck to the rest of ya's!
Just a thought, Don... in case you hadn't thought of it: I take my rangefinder with me in my blind, just in case one hangs up further out than I want.
This Saturday is the day, unless it's the second of a double I won't be scoring. Monday will be my first real chance.
Thanks, Greg. I dunno if your 'jab' was intentional or not, but if not, you don't know how truly funny that is. I always.........let me repeat that.......ALWAYS, take my rangefinder with me bowhunting. Except Saturday. Yeah, I left it on the front seat of my truck. I remembered it while I was setting up my blind and, even though my truck was only about 200 yards away, I decided I wouldn't need it. Since I set my decoys so close, as long as they are in the spread they would be in range. Here's my "TrueBall Tip of the Week." While in a blind, since you can't see all of the ground between you and your decoys, and, because the walls of the blind are so close, it seriously messes up my depth perception. As soon as I went out to collect my deeks and look for my arrow, I knew right away the error of my ways. So, the entire event has revolved around me leaving the rangefinder in the truck. So, mentioning the rangefinder, to me, was absolutely hysterical. :D
That's too funny. Nope, didn't know if you'd thought about it or not... I sorta grabbed mine as a last-second thought myself, but I'm sure it may come in handy one of these hunts.
Ok fellas.......I missed another one Sunday morning. Ugh. Man, killing one of these birds with an arrow is friggin hard! I've added a strutting jake to my set, and I have high hopes for it. If those birds continue to come out into this field at all hours of the morning the way they have been........I think Mobile Jake might just be the ticket!
I will be out for the first time for real tomorrow morning with Rob and camera in tow. I have had a blind set on the edge of my field and we are gonna give it a shot tomorrow. Win, lose or draw, I am looking forward to a beautiful morning afield.
Yes sir. Thank you T. What a morning!!! Raw data......22.5 lbs.....9 5/8 beard......1 inch hooks.....it all happened in like 23 minutes. Rob had this bird's number and let's just say he was looking for love in the wrong place this morning. We didn't get video and it wouldn't have been all that great as the bird sprinted 75 yards from the woods to our setup. It's not my first with a bow, but it's my first spring bird (usually a cameraman/caller for friends) and my firsts called bird with a bow. Later in the day, I will be able to get some pics up. We both had to run to work. Thanks for all of the txt responses guys. edit: just ran the numbers...looks like he'll score 61.75
I knew it happened fast, just in judging the time my phone started dinging. Lol. Congrats man. Couldn't be happier for ya! Pictures?
The good pics are on Rob's camera. He rode the bike to work today, so they will be up tonight. Thanks. I knew he had you, Bry and tx in his phone.
I rode the Harley so I couldn't take my laptop to email Ben the field photos. I'll email them to him tonight. Great hunt, from roost to arrow was roughly 23 minutes, maybe shorter. He came 200 yards in that time too I'm estimating. Teaser. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=45345&l=2529fd68b8&id=100000667170392
Rob what Kind of excuse is that?? Don't u have that thing mounted to the handlebars?? I gotta admit, my phone went DING and I saw the time. Yeah, I went back to sleep and didn't open he text till I got up. Oh I hear ya already. LOL. gimme a break. I'm an hour behind u guys. Lol. I was completely thrilled! What a great hunt I'm sure. Thanks for thinking of me and sending that message. Was a terrific way to start my day.
Well guys, I shot a dandy this morning, but was unable to recover him. Damn he was a nice bird! I've got the story posted in the bowhunting forum. I've got 2 days of season left. Sorry guys, but I'm just not gonna get us any points this year. I've missed 2 and lost this one. I'm gonna break out the Benelli for the last 2 days. If I manage to kill on tomorrow, I may break the bow back out for sunday, we'll see.
Yeah, I am positively heartbroken. It could have been a jake and I would feel the same, but this was a full blown mature gobbler. I'm guessing him to be a 3 year old. His fan was huge, and full. Long beard, prolly 11" or so. I didn't see his spurs, but he was well into the 20's as far as weight. I dunno, only guessing, but prolly 23 lbs or so. He was beautiful. And the bummer is, he's not there anymore. I can't go after him again, he's dead. I've never had one strutting like that, and that close. They are absolutely gorgeous! I could hear him spitting and drumming. I heard his wings dragging the ground. And the longer he was in strut, the brighter red his head turned. Just amazing.