Alright anyone get out this weekend? I wasn't able to between working and having my daughter but I am hoping to get out tomorrow morning.
I took the jawbone from my deer to my taxidermist to have him check the age. I knew the deer was mature, but didn't know how old. He told me my buck was 8.5-9.5 years old. Super happy with it.
Gun season started this weekend. Saw 27 deer opening morning... 4 little bucks... Today we had a nasty fog set in and I saw 4 deer all day. Rest of the week I am laying the smack down on some of these big does
I got out this bucks saturday on my evening sit. Sunday we tried out a new spot...saw a few deer and my buddy shot one doe....she bull dosed through the woods right towards me in my stand and expired 20 yards in front of me lol Had a buck come in at last light behind me, but wouldn't come in. Couldn't make out what he was though, he came from near my buddy's set and he said he couldn't tell either but he has a good spread to him. Keeping at it!!! Congrats jake, to both you and your wife!!!! Talk about a mature buck!!! WOW! Any pics brother?
Hey man, your doing what you love! It's deer hunting and not deer shooting did something happen or is it just the lack of things happening? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alright fellas, I'm back up in a tree with my bow. I'm hunting a new property this morning. I came in and set up blind, so I'm hoping for a big surprise!
well absolutely nothing bowhunting before gun season, seen no deer on gun opener or as yet this week. I might be able to get out tomorrow night or Sat. I think they all moved to Florida. No deer sign under my stand where I had 6 different bucks on video, does/fawns and now nothing. crazy I can't figure it out. I've got a food plot and standing corn and nothing.
It was a small Dora fun I waited two hours and then me and a buddy went to Trackett blood started out okay but then I got worse and worse eventually we were just following tracks in the snow jumped it about 100 or so yards after I shot it backed out to go back tomorrow with my dog to follow the tracks in the snow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry I texted the group, yeah we found her 30 yards from where I jumped her last night. Was a doe fawn. I'll do a better write up when I get my comp out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk