We have had atleast one new big buck on camera and maybe another, I'm hunting the foodplot they showed up in right now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good deal. I expect some pics with you behind one of them tonight! Good luck, hope you knock one down.
when they're green early season. they'll probably only hit them now if they have no other food source. especially when the soy is brown and dry.
well that sux, but just to make sure you should actually talk to the land owner and bring it up casually because I've talked to someone in the past with the same situation except the father and son weren't on the same page with my buddy. So check with the land owner to be sure. If it's good land to hunt, see if you can do work for rights.
I'm hoping to get out Tues to put up a stand on my new property and hunt it this week. I feel real lucky. the farmhand told me about a big 12 he has on camera on the other field. I might try my luck at a decoy and hunt opposite hoping to catch that big boy. I'm gonna be huntin Wed-Sat this week on the 2 properties and see what I can get. Can't wait. Normally I'm up north hunting the big woods for a week but with it being strictly buck only, not worth my time or money. Congrats to Cody for his doe tonight!
Hey guys like mentioned above got a doe. 36 yards and smoked her double lunged. She barely made it 100 yards. Will put on scorecard later tonight or tomorrow morning with the story.
Well I hunted 4 different times this weekend in an attempt to put down a big buck in Mn but it looks like it's not gonna happen until atleast after gun season unless I shoot one with a shotgun and after gun season I will be going for mature does as well to fill the tag. Still have ND to shoot a buck or a doe though. Saw lots of deer this weekend but only 1.5 yo bucks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All three of us were in the same room. So pretty sure it's a done deal. He did say he might lease me another property but I can pay that much, maybe a part of what he's asking for turkey only. I have a buddy who hunts in tenn and swears the deer are more dense and the turkey's are stupid, so I'd I'm gonna spend money for land it would be with a friend on land he knows has a bunch of animals on.
the weather here is going up in temps this week. mid 50s then up to mid 60s on Sat that should shut them down effectively. I'm going out on Wed-Sat. but dang it, stupid indian summer weather. problem when it's that warm have to get that deer found and broke down pretty quick. It was just getting good with temps in 30s at night, low 50s during the day. good luck to everyone going out this week.
yes it was all on film but my dad filmed for me and he isn't the most technology efficient guy. The video is shaky and out of focus and he flinched when I shot and when he turns to get my reaction he is zoomed in and all U can see is my nose and mouth. Even though the film wasn't the best it was a great hunt to spend time out with my dad and I am still really proud of that shot I made. Just a side note, she was on a hill so the exit hole was about 4 inches higher then the entry, first time I ever seen that. Wasn't really to impressed with the hypadermic blood trail though.
Congrats on the doe! I've only been out a small handful of times so far and haven't had anything other than 1 1/2 year olds and button bucks in range. Not even a doe! Will be hitting it hard for a 3 or 4 day weekend starting Friday. Warm weather be damned, I'm gonna be in a tree!
Sounds like some good quality time though, Cody! Congrats again! Good luck to you, Justin! You going to try to put down a doe or you holding out for bacon first, then start filling doe tags?
Does will be on a case by case basis. All depends on what stand I'm in and how good the opportunity is. I won't rule it out but it would have to be almost perfect.
Bacon walks by an hour before sunset, throw an arrow his way, then a doe walks by and throw an arrow her way too effectively scoring 230+ points in 15 minutes? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well boys im all tagged out! Got my buck tonight was a long grueling roller coaster of emotions but after 400 yards track job with 2 back tracks we found him. Will get him on the score card and everything tomorrow as for right now I'm havin a beer and relaxin with a fat smile on my face. Not the biggest or most mature deer but this deer means more then any set of antlers could mean.
Heck yeah man! Congratulations on a great buck! Glad that you found him, way to stick with it. Hopefully the rest of us can put some antlers on the ground now!