Congrats CJ, I'm hoping to do my final scouting and stand prep this weekend. Our season doesn't start till the 15th.
The plan is for my to go out tonight when I get back into town hopefully be in the stand by 3-4 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haven't hunted since Sunday evening. Too much going on around the farm. I'll be out tomorrow and Sunday, though. My buddy in SD checked cameras today and sent me a couple pics. Some decent muleys and an absolute beast of a whitetail. He's 160 EASY
I went out tonight checked three cams and sat over the food plot. I determined its too warm for deer right now and decided to call off the rest of the deer hunts for the weekend so i don't pressure them. Im going duck hunting tomorrow
Just days away now. Temps are calling for mid to upper 70's all next week so not sure how much I will get out. Gonna check a camera this weekend and will decided based on what I see Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
Got some good news! One of my grandpas offered to let me hunt his 160 acres land in SD next year for archery! He lets a neighbor hunt and he already has stands hung and trail cameras out and he told my grandpa I could use any of his stands. Already pumped!
Went out this morning didn't see anything pulled my card and the only thing I got is a little spike. Heard from a few people the moose are calling now also had one walk right by me while I was at the archery range
man those are some bruisers. I don't know what's worse having a camera and seeing those and knowing they are there but never seeing them or not having a camera and never knowing they were there. oh the torture!
Well I haven't been hunting but I got some more food plots put in today. I planted a couple acres of turnips, oats, and wheat. I checked my cameras there and had a ton of does with fawns and turkeys. It's been hot here, so it may be later this week before I hunt again.
Didn't hunt at all this weekend. The resurgence of skeeters has been unreal. Never seen so many this late in the year. It's worse than turkey hunting!
I just got back to Fargo and I got my computer working finally! Will hopefully try to get my hunts that I filmed into one video Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Im with Fergie...opening day here is Wednesday....Just told my boss I will not be in the office on Friday due to a seriously needed therapy appointment. He asked if I was ok and why I was going to therapy and I responded's the doctors orders cause he said the fever was coming on strong....and when buck fever is this bad the only prescription is some tree therapy!!!! LOL Can't wait fellas!!!!
I'm ready for you guys to hit the woods too. I wish that it would cool down here, it's been too hot. I'm thinking about going this evening to hunt a stand I haven't been to yet and set up my last mock scrape. Here are a couple pics of my #1 and #2 targets.
Two nice bucks bro! I'd take any one of them, thats for sure! Good luck with them!!! Are you getting any good pics of activity at any of your mock scrapes yet, or you letting them marinate a little before checking them? Did some finagling and got my camera arm all set up last night...had to attached an adapter plate to the arm along with some locking/sealing washers and some rubber washers as well to fit my fluid head. Worked out well and it's as solid as a rock! Here are some pics:
Looking good Nick! I've been letting the scrapes sit. I've actually been waiting for the right wind to go check one, but I haven't had a good west wind in awhile here. I'll definitely have to refill it when I go to check. I sure hope at least one of my target bucks is hitting it. Looks like I won't be able to hit the woods this evening though. I've got to hang around today to help my wife get some stuff out of the barn that she sold. A couple doors that she can't handle alone and the lady isn't coming til later to pick them up. No biggie though, it's in the 80s right now anyways. She was nice enough to order me a new Mathews hat and hoodie and let me get the camera arm, so I at least owe her some help this afternoon.
Just went through all of our latest pics from last weekends pull and I am very happy! Good bucks in daylight and my buddy didn't shoot the big 10 that he thought he did, who knows who he shot but that's good news for me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk