Looking forward to tomorrow's cooler temps. I'll be in the tree tomorrow morning and hopefully won't have to hunt tomorrow afternoon. I'm gonna be hunting near one of my cameras with a mock scrape so I'll have to check it on the way to the stand in the morning. Hoping the old 7 pointer will be on there.
Ill be hunting the evening tomorrow should be good with a cold front coming in. Wish I could be out in the morning.
We'll see how the week goes, got a lot of work to do, so I may not make it out til the weekend rolls around. On the bright side, my dad figures that we will start getting corn off in two weeks or so, so things should go on the up-swing then!
Got out and tested my filming gear and my new climber. I learned that it can take some time clearing branches from a new tree but it was exciting! I didn't see any deer and right at prime time two people walked through the public hunting land and I think they went for a swim then they walked 40 yards in front of me just like I wanted the deer to do! I got them on film. When I get my regular laptop back I will put my clips together in a video and throw it up here for ya guys. This weekend I am going home to hunt private and get some trail cams checked and do some work at the land. I hope to get a great video together of some deer! And hopefully a shot at a big buck too!
FERG Not sure if you use the app 'group me' but it's a great app for the teams. You can invite each team member then chat away in your own group. Much better then texting. Just a thought. T
Congrats on the does, gents! Way to kick things off. One week from tomorrow we'll finally be able to hit the woods here in IL. I don't have a lot of hunts planned before the end of the month but we'll see how things go. I may try to stick a doe if I get the chance.
I woulda done anything to be in the woods here today, first time its hit low 60s all year and it was overcast! Ill be in the woods this evening though thats for sure. Lost one of my lone wolf straps last time in so kinda on a recon mission looking for that as well. The way things are looking Ill be moving into the Beloit, WI area about mid to late oct. Kinda excited but very nervous such a big change. I am flying up there to do a final interview with my potential employer on thursday this week and hopefully get the job offer. After that Ill be on the hunt for a place to hunt or Ill be making the three hour drive home every weekend. So if anyone knows of any public land in the area or friendly farmers let me know please lol
Good luck on that final interview! Hope you get the job. As for places to hunt there's some pretty decent public ground all over Southern WI that you can get in on.
Well, I didn't end up hunting this morning. I was up all night feeling pretty sick. I probably won't hunt this evening either, gotta get some errands done. But I'll be hunting tomorrow as long as I feel ok. I'm gonna try to play around with the camera tomorrow morning and try to get some footage from a ground blind.
Hope you're feeling better man stinks you cant get out in the woods! hopefully you will be feelin better soon and can go get the job done again!
I'm already feeling quite a bit better. I think that it was something that I ate. It was definitely nice and cool this morning, would've been nice in the stand. But I'm not too worked up about it. This is always a tough time to try and kill a nice buck on the property that I hunt. Things should pick up middle of October.
Well boys I'm up a tree light rain but it's suppose to stop any second. Acorns are lookin good hopefully I can do some good!