Alright good job! Hope to hear something soon! I woke up at 430 got ready opened the door to see thunder and lightning so decided I'd wait it out on the couch of course I fell back asleep and it's now sunny and nice out......I'm pretty mad at myself. I'll be out there no doubt tonight!
Disappointing news. No luck on the doe. I was really confident in the shot, only doubt I had was that it was a touch high, and apparently it was. Must've only caught one lung. Had really good blood for the first 150-200 yards, then marginal blood for the next 100 before we lost it completely. She never really stopped running and never bed down. Hopefully she is still alive, and I can connect again
That's a bummer. Hope she makes it and you can get another shot at her. I just got home from checking cameras and setting up a mock scrape. My #1 target was on two different cams pretty close to daylight. Had 2 other shooters in daylight on the same cameras. Also watched a bachelor group this morning with a 3 year old in it. I have several pics of him, so he will get a pass. It was a pretty good morning.
How big was the three year old? I have yet to see a 2 year old in the hoof Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pulled a camera today off a 60 acre soy bean field. Had it on scan mode to take a picture every five minutes. Being a food source, I expected afternoon movement. But out of 2400 pictures. Only two of deer. One doe, one young 6 point both in the morning. Bummer. Guess the woods are still full of food so they don't need the soy
He isn't overly big. Probably close to 120. He needs another year. He put on close to 30-35 inches this past year. I will definitely shoot him next year if I get the chance.
Well, I wasn't really planning on hunting tomorrow morning, but I'm taking my wife so she can try and shoot a doe. I've got several coming in early in the morning to one of the cameras, so hope that she can get it done first thing tomorrow. I'll be sitting in the tree next to her watching. Should be fun!
Things went much better this evening, as I sat with my girlfriend as she got her first deer with a bow! Everything was perfect, except for the 2 inch spikes we didn't see!!! Haha oh well, too late now. I am still proud of her, and those little velvet spikes will be kind of neat hanging on the wall
Well, it was a slow morning. Didn't see anything at all, but it was still a nice morning. I don't know if I will hunt again before Friday. Hopefully I can shoot a doe then.
Quick question, can you score two does for the contest for 100 pts or does one have to be a buck? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I believe that you can use only 1 doe and 1 buck for points. but you can check the official rules. they are listed here on the contest forum.
I believe it is only one doe for 50 points only. Only way to get the additional bonus 50 is by a second Buck or a Doe...but only first buck is scored. Good luck everyone, keep hunting hard!!!!
Yeah I did, which means I need to shoot a buck! Hopefully that happens back home!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wish I coulda been in the woods tonight. I'm up in Virginia beach at a hiring conference trying to set up a good job once I finally leave the military. Next time I can get in the woods will be Friday evening
Hopefully I can get done with work early tomorrow and head out after a doe. Got pretty decent weather this week, so I'd like to take advantage of it