Indeed they do! Love watching those boys hunts! Yours too obviously Dan! Been wanting to hit up a good friend of the family for a hunt, he keep bragging to me about Indiana bucks and after seeing yours ;last year, he's got me thinking! 10,000acre farm in Indiana...All soy Beans and Corn....When can I come?!?!? haha
Hey guys, it's been a great week. Early in the week I got permission to hunt a 12 acre farm with lots of deer spotted by the landowner. Doesn't sound like a lot of land, but he has said that the neighbor who has over 100 acres would let me hunt if he asked for me. So awesome new land about an hour away. Then today talked with a Lady who has an 160 acre farm that has not been hunted since 2000 told me that I can bow hunt! So excited. I'm gonna pull all my cameras that are out on a property they have been at for months and I know what deer are there and putting them on new property.
HWoods, great lookin place. need to set up sum trail cams. Well I am out of commission for about 2 wks due to injuring my hand on this past Mon. I go to a hand specialist tomorrow & find out how long b4 I go 2 work full duty. this is really bad timing with the season right around the corner &n trying to get fall chores done.
Well no bloody arrow and no reception! I saw 7 deer, 6 were 150+ yards away and one spike buck at about 70... I guess that's hunting public right? I was set up on a field edge where I saw two small buck go in last time, they didn't appear this time and I saw 4 does on the opposite side of the field.. I'll give that spot one more try and if I still see does on the other side I'll go over there and try it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That def is some great news, congrats to you! Wish I could stumble upon that type of situation lol Good luck on the new properties!!! Thanks man! Yea as soon as it goes to closing I plan on getting some cameras up as soon as I can, although the season will have probably have started up there by then. Damn problems with the bank! Thats a bummer with the hand, I hope you have a SPEEDY recovery!!!
Well after some wild bow mis functions yesterday I'm fully ready for opening day tomorrow and can't believe it's finally here! Biggest concern is the weather, forecasted to rain on and off all day . I'll keep you guys posted!
Good luck CJ! We open on Monday, but I'm not sure if I'm going or not. I could hunt the morning, but I may just wait until Friday when I can hunt all day and won't feel rushed because of work. I really want to go shoot a doe at our hill farm where I have a bonus tag for, but that's an hour drive and won't have a lot of time to hunt. I'll figure something out, I've got plenty of time. I may go try to watch some fields this evening on the main place I hunt. Sucks its gonna be sloppy and muddy, but if I could happen to catch a glimpse of a shooter still using a field in daylight then that will change my plans for the week. I need to do a camera check and put my new cameras out anyways, so that may end up being my evening. Sounds a lot better than dinner and a movie for a Friday evening!
I will only be able to hunt tomorrow morning, I have a wedding to attend in the evening but I can hunt all sunday then can't get back in the woods most likely till next friday so hopefully can get some good time in the woods this weekend to calm the itch down till next week.
Good luck out there! We still have a few weeks until the season opens here in IL so I'm planning on relaxing, getting some yard word done, drinking a few beverages and watching some football this weekend. Come October it will be time to get out and chase some tail.
I'm having to wait till Oct 15th. But hopefully can get my honey do list done and some final scouting in the next week or two and then leave the woods alone till season.
Sounds about right, same here this a little birthday celebration! Good looking buck JZ!!!
Just finished making a homemade camera stand to stick in a food plot. Nothing professional, but it will definitely do the trick. Think I'm gonna run up to our hill farm this afternoon and put it to use. Great looking buck Justin. I'm ready to check my cams and see some hard horns!
I might go pick up a climber today to get off the ground at my public land! Thinking about the ameristep $100 stand. I'll have to work weekends after I'm done hunting to make up for my spending what do you use for a safety line while your climbing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I use the Hunter Safety Systems "Rope Style Tree Strap" makes climbing a breeze man...highly recommend it! Rope Style Treestrap - Hunter Safety System