I've been in the woods all summer! haha I have spent more time working on our land in MN than any year before. Here are our food plots. But I would like to get on the lake with the girlfriend. existing plot- corn and some buck forage oats(dragged oats in) oats not pictured once existing plot - buck forage oats roto tilled in new plot - half mixed with some cowpeas i think? half mixed with a brassica mix oldest existing plot, brassica mix field that didnt get planted, planted into turnips radishes and rape instead existing plot planted mostly into rape and turnips in the woods but against one edge of the woods.
So I just booked a hunt on a Farm out here on October 11th and 12th in Suffolk County Long Island. Had to do it after the guy sent me a pic of a GREAT buck a few minutes ago. Would be nice if I can get him to walk under my stand!!!! Figured for the price keep my options open and hunt everywhere I can! I have two buck tags for NY so we'll see what happens
IN DA Woods finally checking in! Lucky 7 indeed! I'm here boys ready to whackem & Stackem! Sorry my life is crazy busy with full & part time work. Couple weeks till hunting season here in Wisconsin. I put up 2 cameras bout a month ago or so & will try to get out next week to see what we have. I've had some real nice bucks on the property before and moved my stand earlier this year to give me better wind protection. Glad to be here!
Welcome Hank! When are you planning to go check your camera? Maybe I can take a roadtrip out and go with!
Welcome to the team Hank. I've been going nuts trying to get a damn truck after I ripped the bumper off the family SUV, wife said I needed to get a different vehicle for hunting. I would have had a nice one Friday but the bank was slow transferring funds for me, didn't actually get transferred until late Monday. I'm hoping to get some time in the woods tomorrow, maybe I'll stick something and feel better. Sorry for my rant.
First off, welcome hank! Hope your cams show you what u hope for! And jet, ya I've been there before sucks when that happens I'm sure you will find se thing craigslist is a mans best friend for that kinda stuff.
Welcome to the group! We have a texting numbers list going around if you want to join it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Speaking of the texting list....ferg have you finished it or are you still waiting on a few more people? no rush just am curious.
I will get that list out to everyone in the next few days. Just waiting to see if anyone else wants to join. If you want to be a part of the list pm me your full name and number.
Off to the archery shop to pick up the newly tuned Mathews! Everyone else already get them checked out?
Yes sir! Will be shooting broadheads this weekend to finish up the process and just need to set my 50 and 60 yard pins!