Muzzy 3 blade 125 gr... I think it has something to do with my fletching. My other three arrows are dead on. The worst one was 6 inches off at 20 yards and I usually have 1-2 inch groups out to 30... Before I never worried about lining up my broad heads to my fletching but that shouldn't matter right?
LOL! My bad. My phone has a mind of its own sometimes. Cant wait to try out that blueberry bear attractant Tom Sent from my SCH-I535
Ill give it a shot tomorrow. Haven't really played with fixed blade, from what I heard though that's what you want because of something to do with how the arrow spins in flight. Are the other arrows from the same batch, any noticeable damage to the fletchings ad have you tried rolling the other arrows on a flat surface to check for defects. Other then that all I can offer up is this But like I said, I don't know much about fixed blades.
I am pretty positive the site won't allow animated avatars. I dropped my bow at the shop today to be tuned up and get all ready! Headed to the farm early to check cameras and seed plot! Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
I need some good ideas for Weslee for when he looses the challenge any ideas? Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
A video of him giving a statement on who the greater hunter is in some kind of outfit maybe wearing something like this Or the classic case of beer
KyBowhunter8 checking in! Sorry it has taken me this long i've just started college and been getting everything in line with that. Now first I'll say my name is Travis, i'm 18 years old, this will be my 3rd year on, and I've got to say I caught the bug earlier this year by far than I ever have, and I still couldn't be more jacked to get out there and get 20 feet up. I should definitely be good for 50 points and hopefully for about 130-140 additional but I guess we'll just have to see. Excited to get to know everyone and expect our team to be close to the top this year!!
They seems to shot low and to the left? I'll have to spend some time shooting them and see what I'm doing wrong or what's wrong with them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Little bit of a disappointing card pull. The two 8's didn't show up in two weeks, but the 10 did. He's drying down and is probably without velvet now. Had one camera on my food plot and I'm super happy with the results so far. Deer are pounding it all day every day
Well today didn't turn out as planned. Camera pulls sucks so I relocated them. Tons of rain last few days didn't allow me to burn like I wanted but will be back out in a few days to continue! Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
Don't worry, my camera pulls yesterday were disappointing too. It got really hot here and shut down pretty much all movement.