Still in the high 90’s/100’s here in Texas. Ready for some cooler weather to motivate me to get out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I had to come in and post saying I love the name. Was scrolling through the board looking for my team. And spit out all my beer when I read your name. Good luck out there, shoot straight, stay safe.
Alright all the missing members have been addressed with the contest moderator. I went out this weekend to try and finish the last of my work before the season but I got rained out. Moved a ladder stand from a fence row to a island within my food plot. The stand is tucked in the island overlooking the plot in a 360 view with apple trees all around the perimeter. This will primarily be a doe spot as we hardly ever get any day time pics of big bucks. The second stand I put up was in my main buck area. I have shot two nice bucks out of one tree but every time I shoot them they are to my off side and I have to fully rotate to face the tree. Not the ideal setup so I moved about 30 yards west to a big bass tree with a lot of cover. Spent about an hour trying to take my old stand down but the tree had grown around it. I eventually made the decision to pull another stand down in the area and move it instead. After about 20 minutes in the tree I got caught in a downpour rain and could only get the stand set before having to leave. I have to go back now and cut my lanes and my route in. Getting pumped up with a month remaining before my opener. I need to start practicing and getting my gear ready, been pretty hard into fishing this summer so my archery gear has been neglected.
Checked all three of my cameras yesterday and was pretty disappointed. Biggest bucks on them were only 1.5 yr olds. I did have does, fawns, cranes, coons, ducks, a bear and a wolf. I moved one camera about 100 yards to what looks like a better trail. The other two I left because they are both at good water crossings and eventually some big bucks will show up. On a positive note, I hiked around 5 miles and found an oak flat that is raining white oak acorns. Only 13 days left. Sent from my XT1650 using Forums mobile app
Went out for an hour this evening for what could basically be considered an observation sit. I was up on a ridge back from the main trail i hunt over to see what was going on. Saw a few doe up on the other side of the ridge, probably 20 yards from my stand but in a difficult spot. Might have to make an adjustment based on that Sent from my SM-G930P using Forums mobile app
Definitely, Its not looking good on the property super close to me so Ill be looking to do some more stuff. Also just got invited to hunt a 60 acre farm in WV. Not sure if it will actually pan out (just met the guy that offered) but oh boy if it does thatll be fun!
I'm going to start scouting Fort Pickett in mid September. Hoping to make it my go to spot. Followed by Amelia wma, Cumberland County Forest, and maybe Powhatan wma. I'm hoping to still get some hunts on my old hunting grounds of Quantico Marine Base. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Made it out scouting for a few hours this morning. Found an oak ridge loaded with acorns and deer sign. Found this super fresh rub with velvet at the base. Put my 4th camera out watching where that trail and another great trail intersect. Sent from my XT1650 using Forums mobile app
Good finds. My in laws live over by the swift creek reservoir, I think its only about 25 min from Amelia WMA.
Have our alternates been assigned to us yet? Sent from my SM-G950U using Forums mobile app
Likely the last 90 degree day of the year. The corn has started to turn in most places, beans and leaves to follow! So excited for the start of the season. Here are the things I look forward to most each and every year: - That anticipation of the night before your first morning hunt of the year. - The very first sit of the season - climbing into the stand as stealthily as possible every move to this point has been calculated and planned out (all well knowing that attention to detail will fade over time as the season drags into late November). - Walking into the dark woods without a flashlight and only the moonlight to guide us. - Even though it doesn't happen often in Indiana it's a beautiful thing to hunt during or just after that first snowfall. - Watching the sunrise and set. - Sitting in the stand that first frosty November morning and then watching the sun melt it all away. - Waiting impatiently in the tree to retrieve an arrow that has been skillfully sent through the first harvest of the season. - Hunting in the afternoon in late October in a cool drizzle. - Watching the clock tick away at work as I study the conditions and plan my afternoon hunt. Probably many more I will think of as the season goes on. But these are some of the things that I look forward too most. Seeing deer, being able to hunt deer - that is a privilege that I don't take for granted. Everything that comes with hunting whitetail is truly what I look forward to most.
10 days until season opens here is WI. Most of the soybeans have already started turning yellow. Sycamoretwitch you are crazy walking in without any light . Too many critters here to do that and hunting public I want to make sure another hunter sees me before they shoot at sound. I use a green light and it doesn't seem to bother the animals. Sent from my XT1650 using Forums mobile app
HA! Right. Well if I hunted public land like several of you all on this team then I'd probably be walking in with a light too. On my private land my stands are pretty easy for me to find and if I need any light at all I just pull my cell phone out and use it very briefly. I don't think the light really matters one way or another but I try to be as stealthy as possible - I think every little bit helps.
Wish I could have hunted today but the temps were still darn near 100 degrees at 5pm. Maybe next week. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
46° this morning in Wisconsin. Starting to feel like Fall! Sent from my XT1650 using Forums mobile app
Illinois Outdoorsman and Ewing have been placed on our team from the alternates list. I messaged them and let them know. Still waiting on their response.