Sorry I haven't contributed yet! Hopefully my rutcation can change that! Sent from my SM-G950U using Forums mobile app
This wednesday -friday is suppose to be some of the best deer forcasted days! Fingers crossed, go Team Juan! Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
Well I may have the worse luck ever when it comes to hunting the elusive doe. Saturday afternoon I sat on the edge of a field and watched 4 doe slowly make there way to me just before dark. At one point I had a doe less than 15 yards away from me just on the other side of a tree. Literally, seconds before she was about to be past the tree a semi truck and trailer came barreling down the dirt road 60 yards behind me and scared all four doe away.....Next morning (Sunday) I walked a 1/2 mile back to a new spot on the edge of a swamp. At one point I had a real nice 8 point come out of the swamp but I was in the wrong position in the blind to do anything so he walked away unalerted. 20 min later I had a group of doe heading right for me and they were less than 50 yards away making it seem like this was my moment...nope... some guy on a quad went ripping down a field near me and scared all the deer back to where they came. Ill be going out again this weekend to give it another shot, supposed to be snowing at the end of the week.
Keep at it brother. You are all over them. I had 5 to 6 mature bucks in range last year. Missed one. Couldn't get a shot off on any others. It happens Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I know we have our first responders. Watch yourselves arriving on calls for service. A few guys from my old squad got ambushed last night as they stepped out of their vehicles. They returned fire and subdued the suspect. Watch your backs at all time! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Looking good here in Indiana for those days! I have Wednesday-Sunday committed to hunting. I will probably not be in the woods until Wednesday morning and can't freaking wait. I've been out of my good stuff so it's time to go in after it.
Even though you did not connect, that's still some pretty awesome action! You will get one! Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
Sorry I've been away. Insane work week. Made national news, Princeville, IL double homicide. Good read. Crazy stuff, such is life. November is here. Time to hit it hard. I'll be out thur, fri, sat. Looking for that wall hanger and elusive doe. Team Jaun holding down that #1 spot!!! Good luck all!!!
Heading out to a local spot this afternoon after the rain stops. Then headed to WI property for an all day sit tomorrow. Here's to hoping I put one down! Sent from my SM-G950U using Forums mobile app
Wed -fri has been predicted for some prime movement but also supposed to be darn cold. I think i saw highs in the 20s?! Good luck guys!! Ill be this next sunday for a doe! Have to get groceries for deer camp yet too. My Pops is coming up next week thursday so im excited for his visit. Contemplating where to sit him for rifle season, behind my place or the farm field and if i should sit with him Saturday morning if i sit him behind my almost certain he will have a chance at something behind my place...if hes not sleeping that is....would love to see him get one. He becomes a kid with excitement. Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
Tomorrow some more deer are gonna start hitting the deck for this team! Good luck everyone. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Mega hyped to get back in the deer woods in the morning!! Threw a few arrows at lunch just to make sure I had everything dialed in. Got to pack some snacks for a long sit - if things are slow I will head in at lunch and regroup and head to a new spot in early afternoon. Conditions look great for the next 5 days. Got the big antlers ready to roll and going to hunt pretty aggressively the next few days. If things are slow by Thursday mid morning I've got a set that I'm going to hang where I killed my buck last year or back in some thicker stuff that I rarely venture into. I've got a primary stand or two that I plan to hunt for all of my morning hunts - afternoon hunts will probably be a little more random as I prefer to sit near open fields in the afternoon where I can see for a longer distance. Good luck all - it's going to be fun!
Nice! Sounds very busy...remeber to relax and enjoy the experience! Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk