Only two more left to check -in, & it looks like a good crew with some good states to hunt. We have people from Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota & Arkansas, we just need these last two guys to be from Indiana & Kansas & we'll be set. So now that the team is filling up & we're obviously going to win this thing this year, its fitting that we all get to know each other a little better. So share something about yourself & also share a bit about how, why & where ya hunt.
I am 23 years old, married, I have a 14 month old son, I am a Mercedes Benz technician in Northwest Ohio. I hunt lightly pressured public property. This will be my 4th season bow hunting, I am a self taught hunter, coming from a family of non-hunters. Last year I shot a 145" 10 pointer on a piece of public land I frequent. I found during my first season hunting and it has been a blessing ever since. I am a simple man with a simple plan and try to enjoy the little things. God has been good and I suspect he will keep it up.
Kudos on being self taught & taking a 145" on public after only 4 years of hunting. That's pretty impressive & absolutely a blessing. What kind of land are you hunting, woodlots, river bottoms, prairie, etc?
Hey guys, I'm mark and I just turned 30 last Saturday. I love in Belmont, wi with my girlfriend and chocolate lab, Smokey. I kinda bounce around between public and private land. My best spot is a 30 acre piece of woods and CRP. I started bow hunting in 2010 and have gone 4 for 4 so far. Three with a bow and one gun buck. My biggest is a 158 5/8" mainframe 10 last year. If I'm not bowhunting I'm smallies fishing the creeks in the area or shooting 3D. I have a website that I do just for fun at or find me on Facebook at TheJourney. I hope everyone has a great season!
I really enjoy theJourney, great site & well done. Well, same as I said to Nate, pretty impressive man. 4 for 4 are pretty awesome stats & a 158 5/8 is a slob of a deer. We demand pictures, lol.
Guess Ill share too. Im Jason, I turn 38 in a couple weeks & I live in Mason Co. Illinois. Im a Home Inspector & HVAC tech. Ive been married forever & daddy of 6 & we're expecting #7 in January. Ive been hunting & fishing anything & everything for as long as I can remember, but really started bowhunting hard in the last 6 years. I started out mainly hunting public land, but over the last few years Ive gained a lot of private land use close to home & Im guiding & hunting with an outfitter over in Pike & Calhoun county too. Im not necessarily a trophy hunter & with 6 kids it takes quite a few does every season to keep the freezer full. However, both of the primary farms Im hunting have size restrictions on the bucks, which makes the hunting more challenging, but far more rewarding. When Im not hunting whitetails, Im with the wife & kids fishing or thru hiking or spending time with the extended family. Life is good & keeps getting better.
Just turned 37 on Tuesday, I'm a programmer/(and about 10 other things) at a Telcomm here in MN. I started bow hunting when I was 12. I have quite a bit of land to hunt around here. My dad has around 450 acres and I have a couple friends that double that, that let me hunt. I also have family that farms over 2000 acres that I can hunt but that is over an hour away. I bought my 10yr old son a Diamond Infinite Edge this spring and hope to get him a shot on a deer early this fall on a apprentice hunt. I'm really just more excited to have him up in the tree with a bow in his hands.
As a father, I cant think of a more rewarding lesson than a father teaching a son to hunt whitetails. Keep at it man & happy belated bday.
Name is Patrick and I'm in my 6th season bowhunting. I've been lucky enough to take a buck every other year. I started in '08 with killing a nice buck opening morning of my first ever hunt, in 2010 I was lucky enough to be able to put down an 11pt that green scored 182 5/8", he officially gross scored 180 0/8" after the drying period. In 2011 I deflected off a twig and missed a nice one that was around 145", in 2012 I killed a decent 8pt, but he didn't score all that well- he had a good frame and length but no mass. Last year was my worst year ever. We got hit with EHD and I didn't feel comfortable even taking a deer, so I didn't. I saw 1 shooter the entire season. I don't know if I mentioned this in my previous post but I'm 26, been married a year on 9/14 and we are expecting our first little one on 12/23. I'm a Co-Manager for a Wal-Mart store, so unfortunately I don't get but maybe 1 or 2 sits in a week anymore. I do most of my hunting in typical Midwest ag-land in east central IL. I've got a few options to hunt- a 160 acre farm, a new 40 acre farm that I've never set foot on, a 120 acre farm that I lease, another 40 that has a nice pond that I hope to sit over a few times, and just recently acquired a farm that is probably 1200 acres. It's almost all tillable but has quite a few small 5-15 acre patches of timber with narrow strips of timber connecting it all. I also just started filming last year, so we will see how that goes again this year.
Sounds like another killer in our midst. Pretty impressive stats bro. Again, we demand pictures. Congrats on the up-coming anniversary & the baby too.
By the looks of these pictures our team name fits well. Yall are killin some high tines for sure. Those are some awesome bucks & Im thinkin we all want to hear the back stories now.