Looking forward to seeing your pics. Im heading out the door to go get in a stand for the evening. The temp & the wind are looking good for a neighborhood stand I have set up. Gonna see if any big boys are up & about. I might get a shot at a mature doe too. We'll see how the night unfolds. Yall have a good one.
Been hunting hard the last few days. Tonight was the first night I have seen bucks on their feet. They came through a little before dark and what looked like hot on a does trail. I hit the first one with a grunt and a snort wheeze and by that time the second one caught up. After making a scrape they started ging at it. Fight didn't last long but was fun to hear. Everything happened to fast to get a shot. One looked to. Be close to shooter size and the other was about 100".
I recently got access to hunt this new piece 120 acres of river/swamp bottom. Got a covert black ops hung last Monday at a intersection of 4 trails. Got this guy cruising by last night.
Blew it last night went out to see if I could whack a doe. Had 3 coming down te trail right 2 me and my hand clippers I carry in my backpack decided that was the moment to slide out of their pocket and hit everything metal on the way down back at it tonight new stand gotta get it done!!!
nothing yet so far guys, college sucks, I will hopefully be out most everyday in December on winter break!!! congrats to those who got deer!!!
Went out tonight and had plenty of action.about 5 I had a doe come out of the bedding area behind me and feed awhile. Then about 5:30 I saw a a flash of antler over a knoll about 100 yards away. Brought the Vortex up and just caught a glimpse of a real good buck. Hit the horns together and a buck came trotting in to 35 yard.....unfortutely it was the fork that was trailing the big boy. About 6pm I had 10-12 doe filter by anywhere from 15-50 yard away and feed in the cut RP in front of me. Not a bad night in the stand all in all. Back at it in the morning!
You would think I'd learn to stay out of the woods while sick. I've now been sick for 6 weeks. Started as a cold then bronchitis and now plurisy. hopefully tonight I can get it done and take a break.
Yep I'm gearing up today for four days worth of being in the woods can't wait!! Hunt the morning, grouse hunt/scout for scrape lines in the middle of the day and hunt the evening. Hopefully they are moving!!!