Sorry I have not touched base in a while. Work is getting crazy and im tryig to clear time to get in a couple good hunts. Rutin, I hunt in Harrison County, Oh. A buddy and myself bought 50 acres of ground beside Jockey Hollow Wildlife area. It is primarily a rut spot and late season. We just lost our best property due to the property owner passing away this past spring. It sucks but that is life. Got some good bucks on the wildlife area that I will be after this weekend.
Sorry I aint touched base in about a week or so been absolutely swamped with school and cutting up other peoples deer haha. Idk how that works all I know is they better return the favor! Its been slow here in WI. It got cold then warmed up into the 70's early this week now this weekend they are calling fora high of around 23 for sunday morning. My next outting will be Monday. This weekend I am booked up. Will be out Sunday filming a kid for the WI youth Rifle hunt.
Arch Goon - Awesome! Glad to see another Ohioan on the team! That buck in your avatar is a STUD! Gents if you can hunt this weekend PLEASE DO!!!! The weather front is about to have a cold snap, the moon is awesome and calling for early movement, and with crops starting to come off check out transition areas or acorn flats! Mark my words there will be some big boys dying this weekend.
We can't hunt sundays here, but I'll be out friday and saturday afternoons. Hopefully this week I'll finally get some more morning hunts in.
Hey guys - for whatever reason its 80 F today in Indiana and the low on Saturday is 36. Yep, just another 40 degree plus shift in weather! That said, I've got Friday off work! I will be in the stand tonight after work and tomorrow morning! Hopefully can get a big buck feeding in the dood plot!
Had a good sit tonight. Had 4 doe and a 4 pointer in the food plot. The buck I passed on for my first bow buck like this mature 10 pointer I got on camera on 10/1
Yeah and I'd hate to disturb his kitchen. I might go searching for it tomorrow afternoon after my morning hunt. This picture is right in front of my tree stand - I've had a lot of big bucks moving just before the morning near the food plot. Not sure if it's worth risking trying to get into that stand and hope they slip up...
Morning Guys! Sitting here in Ohio hoping for something to cross my path this morning Wife is 38 weeks pregnet so might be last sit for couple weeks Everyone good luck this weekend
Good luck on both fronts!! Let us know how the wife and baby are!! I am in the stand this morning also - it's been very slow going as the cold front has already made its way into my location. Might hold out for another hour or so - will be back in the stand tonight!
Welp shot a yote this morning. I didn't make a very good shot on him - got out of the stand to go get him and he got up before I got to him and started to bark at me and move away from me. He wasn't moving very well and he was clearly not very pleased to have been shot by my arrow! lol So I backed out and will collect him tonight.
I tend to gut shoot them and let them run off and die in my urban areas! They are like ticks.... there everywhere
No luck this morning. Actually didn't see anything They were doing work on communication tower on property so not sure if that freaked deer or not Checked camera and hasn't been much movement by this set last couple days so asked workers how long they had been working the said since Tuesday which explained the lack of movement Cold front coming through with rain so sitting in different set tonight usually don't hunt in rain but with limited hunts in future have to due what I can will update tonight Good luck to everyone this weekend
0 deer tonight and very little activity on the cameras as well. Not sure what is going on, but guys who hunt the same general area are saying the same. We have had a lot of rain the past week and a half, not sure how, or if that has effected them. The one bright note, I have 2 pictures of a new 8pt, nothing huge by any standards, but I will be happy to kill him.
Im still waiting on my arrows, they are backordered! They said they would be in next week. I using some borrowed ones now. I need to make some changes to my paper tuning stand, my arrows keep hitting the boards holding the paper when i shoot from different distances, I need to get bigger paper to shoot at. Thinking of getting a roll of butcher paper from Sams Club. 1000ft for under $20. I did a card check after 3 weeks. The mature bucks have changed patterns and I havent found the area they are using to pass through yet. Does are definately using this trail, so I will be great here in a few weeks for some good ol rut action. View My Video
Passed on a wide - 120' 3.5 year old 7 pointer tonight at 15 yards... Been seeing to many deer and have 3 10 pointers probably all over 135" on camera. This first week was amazing - had a nice young 8 in front of me, that 7 and many doe. I've got a food plot that is going to be hit pretty hard over the next month as it was planted late and is going to be one of the only things "green" in the area - might even pull deer in from other areas, who knows! This is only my second year bow hunting, but I am NOT going to take a buck just to fill a tag. I'm NOT going to take a buck just so I can get points in some contest and I am NOT going to shoot the first couple young bucks that walk in front of me. I've got an 8 point on my wall from a previous gun season, I've shot a doe with my bow - the best thing that I can do right now is observe and hunt smart! Long season still ahead for me - I'm in this for the long haul. I am going to put a buck down this year - it's going to happen.
Had 3 does and small buck out tonight, at last light the big bodied deer walked the creek up to 30 yards of me and snapped a stick. It stood in the brush until dark and then moved into the crp field. I tried to see who it was thru my binos but it was dark! I could see a good frame and the only good frame buck on that farm I know of is "8 Ball" the big 8. I let him move off before climbing down but damn i wish he would of came in 20 mins earlier.
Was long weekend guys. Saw no movement on Friday and Saturday morning. Saw both of my target bucks Saturday night walking a power line. Also had 8 does come in behind me so wasn't able to get a shot. Then with about 30 mins to go had a doe come in and turned broad side I drew back and had a deer blow which had walked in right behind me. Days are number due to baby on the way. Gonna try Wednesday and Thursday if wife doesn't go into labor.
The weekend was terrible with downpour and super windy conditions. However, I did find a fresh rub line, camera is deployed on it and will be checked Friday.