nice job!!! I'm leaving for kansas on thursday, wish me luck. I got two tags to fill, my scouts have a couple of 9's and bigger, lets hope they cooperate
spacman. Nice birds. Do you use 4 feathers to shoot the bullheads? I had to switch because with 3 feathers I was shoot WAY left with them but my fiance was dead on with 4 feathers so I just switched my arrows too. Couldnt be any worse than what I was lol. Let me know if u have other ideas... Btw if your wondering why i didnt just adjust the sights. I did. Maxed out and was STILL shooting to the left. I cant wait to try my new arrows! Season starts Monday! CANT WAIT!
I do now, I was having the same Problem. I started first with the bow. Laser Tuned the arrow with the rest. and made one quick adjustment with the sight and Dead one. I know it can be frustrating. Stick with it. I would rather spend time tweaking my bow than looking for a wounded bird Good Luck out there.
Very Nice Spacman! Congrats! I had a gobbler within range this past Sunday. He wouldn't step out from behind a brush pile though. I tried everything to coax him... I'll be back at it in S. Dakota on Friday.
How do you laser tune the bow to the arrow? I take it this is something the local proshop can help me with? I was still shooting a hair left with my sights maxed out and I know this isnt normal.
Got this one on 4/24/10 Weight 24 pounds 3 ounces Left spur: 15/16 Right spur: 16/16 Beard: 9-11/16 Total score: 62.9375
Congrats, I've gotten out a couple times with my bow this year. Had one a 70 yards but couldn't close the deal.
South Dakota Bird This was a Hen Decoy set up. It seemed the Jake wasn't working this time of Year Good Luck everyone!!
I wish I had normal turkeys to hunt... I think mine are gay. There are 4 toms that will NOT separate from each other. They dont respond to calls or dekes or even live hens! Sorry to say that Ive switched to the shotgun but that probably wont make much difference.