Yea, I got called into work today, so no hunting till tomorrow night. There's a cold front coming in w/rain expected Fri evening. I'll probably sit in a blind.
Good luck to all ya'll out hunting this weekend! I'll touch base with you guys sunday evening, with pictures of dead deer I hope. Peace out ya'll.
Well gang, I could have put 50 points on the board, and we could have gotten it on video, but.........yeah they still had spots. I'm not quite that desperate.... Deer movement was really, really slow this weekend. The woods are still green so visibility is limited. I had a deer walk past my stand saturday morning while it was still dark, but all I can tell you is it was a deer. Then saturday evening my buddy and I were sitting in the blind trying to get one on video when a button buck and doe fawn stepped into the clover. The doe running with them is really old and we want to take her down, so we waited. Those 2 fed in the clover for nearly an hour and she never stepped out. Back at it next weekend.
Hank, since you posted in the team 12 thread, go back and see which deer I am hunting this year, I posted a video. This video was taken at the top of one of the draws on the property I hunt.
It rained and I got the afternoon off. Was sneaking into my spot and had the same 2.5 year old step out of the cattails before I could get to my spot. I've had him within bow range 3 times now. He was heading in the right direction at least so I followed him for a couple hundred yards. Got within 30 yards of him a couple times. He would browse for a couple minutes... walk a couple feet ... browse some more. By the time I got to my spot I only had a half hour of daylight left. I didn't see another deer let alone the tall six once I got there. At least the 2.5 year old entertained me on the walk in. Wish the big boys were as clueless. LOL Tim
I think I'm headed to northern MO this weekend. My buddy has been seeing lots of bucks, lots of deer. Guess we'll see.
I was supposed to go out Wed morning, but I took the OT today. I was planning on getting out thurs, but I may going to buy a truck that day, and wont' be back in time to make it out. Maybe I can convince my son to go out on a hunt for his birthday on Fri eve. The weather has really changed in the last few days. 2nite it's getting down into the 30's. I've got this week and part of next week, B4 the youth gun season opens next Sat. & the following week is a 4 days anterless only gun hunt. At least I have a little bit of private land to hunt on afterward w/no guns blazing. Good luck to all this week.
Hey guys, I shot a doe this morning so we will be getting some points on the board shortly!! Gotta take pictures tonight before I can get it up.
Just scored me another little after-work hunting spot close to home. Not very big at all, but holds deer. I am going to check it out tomorrow evening. Do a little preliminary hunt. :D:D
congratulations on the doe still stuck in hawaii so I have to use my phone for the internet But I should be in indiana next week.
Thanks everyone!! Glad I could get us on the board. Now hopefully I can find myself a buck!!! Good luck everyone!
Hey sorry I haven't been around to much lately it has been busy with football and school, but I cant wait till the season I still have two weeks to go but it will eventually get here I am planning on taking a doe the first day so wish me luck!! And Congrats GCLIFT on the doe!!