Hey guys. I think we should vote Mobo to be our captain whether he likes it or not. Seriously... He would be a good one and gets my vote. I took the family for a trip to Bismarck this weekend to see my daughter. Was a good time. I needed a new cover for our bag target so we headed to Scheels with strict orders from the wife that it is all I could get. Well they didn't have just the cover so I had buy a whole new target bag. Darn !! Then it got rather expensive after that. I sweet talked my way into a new hunting shirt and a 18-54x80mm spotting scope. The spotting scope is sweet !! The Bushnell is finally retired... the piece of chit. Scouting will never be the same. Only better now !!!!!! Oh... the wife says I can't go to Bismarck no more. LOL Tim ps... I have no ideas on a team name other these kind of crappy ones... Team 9 in 2009 The 9" Dionkers Club Team " 9 Points or Better "
Awsome getting the wife to let you get the new TOYS i had to do alot of begging myself this year but thats how it goes....Im cool with making Mobow the Capt. I have no bones about whos Capt....As far as a team name im lost But I can throw out something... Team 9-Punching Tags 1 arrow at a Time
What's up guys just found my team my lap top broke so I have been trying to get on here as much as I can, can't wait to help team number 9 out this year. I'll be hunting mostly on my families farm in WV but I might get to go to Illinois on a hunt I just have to see what happens!! Good luck this year guys.........my name is Hunter by the way if you already didnt know!!
I vote for mobow as well for team capt. He will make a good one. As for names, I can never come up with anything but corny stuff. Major Bones Rut and Roll Rutting for Racks Ha Ha, stupid I know.
Do we even need a captain "over here?" I'm glad to do it if we do, and thanks for the confidence ya'll. I appreciate that. I been racking my brain for 3 days........hold it..........racking my brain.......racking my brain........Team Brain Rackers.....Team BoneHead..........Team Warrior.....Ninja......Black Sabbath...>****, I dunno, I am horrible at names. How about..........The Unknown. Because that's what we are, unknown. Hell, I give up. Ok, so.......I've been shooting fish all summer, and now that September is here I guess I'm just gonna have to try out the new Benelli on some doves here in a couple weeks. What are you guys doin to keep busy?
Well Iraq is keeping me as bussy as i can stand. Im so glad this is the last go around for me im so sick of this ****....Im trying to get ready as much as possible while over here. I just cant wait to be in my stand out in the woods clear my head and have a great season
Shooting bow for the most part here. I'll get a couple more scouting trips in. I just have to get my gear ready, buy the liscense and hope like heck we aren't combining on bow opener. Bow season starts in 16 days, 12 hours, 19 mins. Looking forward to it !!! Tim
I have been shooting my bow almost everyday, I have had my trail cameras out all summer, and just recently put in my fall food plots which im really excited about I can wait till the season rolls around!!
How's everyone been doing? Sorry, been on vacation for 3 wks and been out of touch here on the site. What's everyone's hunting land line up look like? I haven't been out scouting yet. I'm hoping to put up a few stands this coming week. Our season opens the second week of Sept.& of course I'm working that weekend, so I'll have to wait for the week. Team name ideas? I got new strings & have been out shoot a little lately, but I'll have to turn it up this next few weeks. My boy is going out for the first time bowhunting this season, so I've been harping on him to get practicing.
Tell me this wouldnt be an awsome team pic...I would make it just dont have the right program http://www.lvedecals.com/Cart/Images/Products/reap_the_bone_green.jpg
Just finished putting my ladder stands together yesterday. Now, all I need is land to put them on. I did make over to another property to put up a stand on Sat. Me & my son schlep the stand out there, put it up against the tree, and clear out a shooting lane, trouble is when I went to secure it to the tree, poison ivy vines all around it. Bummer, down it came. I'll have to go back out there to find another nearby tree.
I may be a techno geek, but I'm no where near technical enough to come up with an avatar. Furthermore, I ain't creative enough for a team name so......Let's do it this way. Let's give it till Friday. Everyone has till Friday to turn in any number of ideas for team names. Deadline, Friday evening at 7 pm, Central time. From there, I'll post them up and everyone can vote for their favorite name, via PM to me. I won't vote unless there is a tie, I'll be the breaker. LA, I deligate you to email everyone on the team and inform them of such. Would you be willing to do that?
Hm........Good leaders know how to delegate tasks, my young padowan. A good leader knows his limitations and realizes he simply can't do it all himself. Besides......I'm saving all my excess energy for the ASS WHOOPIN we're gonna deal your scraggly asses! :D