IA buck on the ground! He wasn't the bruiser I hoped he would be, but it was a exciting and challenging hunt none the less. This buck came right underneath my stand, so when I first saw the width, length, and mass of the main beams I thought for sure he was a shooter. Unfortunately, he got in some thick brush, and me already being in harvest mode, when he turned sideways I drew my bow and didn't notice his lack of tine length. Anyways, the arrow flew, hit him good and dropped him within about 50 -60 yards. He was a mature deer, but the points just aren't there. But then again that's not what it's about anyways right! Gross Score - 120 1/8
Chris - hang in there, wishin the best for your mom. Bowspec - nice buck, congrats! The bucks eluded me on my time off - had my chances at some decent ones but of course was hoping for something bigger. The good news - I get to keep after them and try for the impossible - taggin a big one after our gun season Rocky - waitin for a pic of you behind a monster! keep after it guys and good luck.
That's a nice buck Bowspec! Sometimes they are tricky to accurately judge from the stand in the heat of the moment, but any mature deer with a bow is a true trophy. To me, the success of bowhunting gives me a feeling better than any drug (I guess so anyway having never tried them) could. Good luck to all and have a great Thanksgiving.
Rocky - Nice buck!!! Took a doe tonight - pics posted along with Rocky's in the scorecard...keep after 'em guys...still hopin to tag a nice buck...
Matt Congrats on the doe, 50 points help,I should have taken a doe 1st thing this am before my buck. I thought maybe a buck would be following. Sounds like WILL had a monster close, but no cigar tonight. Here's praying for good Ole Will. Dang what a man!! Rocky
Well here he is He's a good meat buck at least,man the morning started of with a bang,I got in my stand after placing Will in his at 7:15at 7:20 2 does made there way by me at 18 yards. I tickled with the idea with trying a shot with the low light conditions as 1st light wasn't for another 1/2 hour. Due to the 1/2 moon and the reflection it was quite doe able. I chose to pass and was hoping a buck was on their tail. No chance,didn't have to wait long as a 5x3 showed up at 7:55 at 23 yards and was an easy shot. Pass again, at 8:02 he stepped out and stopped broadside enticing me to shoot, passed again. He walked passed me and then I noticed the left antler had 3 more points than I thought their was,dang to late. He flared his nostrils and turned his head back my way and smelled the Timber Valley Deer Scent ( 4-play ) It was like he was on a rope and went straight to it and put his nose to the ground as I drew he glanced up at me and saw no movement and he continued to paw the ground. I touched the release and off to the races he was. Man he did the 60 yard dash in record time crashing at the end to a huge crashing sound. I pumped my arm saying to my self good on ya !!. I though I hit him high and let him freeze up hopefully. Will came by and we tracked him quite fast and to both our amazement ,it was like he was waiting for the picture's to commence. He crashed and slid the last 15 feet and hooked his left antler around the tree and rested against some deadfall like he was posing for pictures. Will said with that great big grin he's noted for there's your buck Rock.End to a great day on stand,he ended up having broken off about 9 inches of off 2 points from fighting which would have had him scoring close to 138. He ended up with a score of 128 3/8's Rocky
hey goodjob guys im gonna lay one down this week hopefully goin back out of state here in a few minutes with my bow
Hell of a buck Rocky, a scrapper for sure. Congrats again. RuttNutt just got back from Kentucky and said his internet is up, but he is having some problems with pass words. Will post up his buck and doe soon as he can.
Great buck Rocky! Your dedication has paid off this year for sure. It is always neat to get an old rough neck. I don't get too caught up with score so it never really bothers me to have a few busted points... I actually like it. Adds some character I think. Congrats again!
I agree Jim, character is so important! Rock's buck was a scrapper-it was so easy to tell. He was taken by an even bigger scrapper-a master. It was an honor to walk in Rock's woods.
Great buck for sure. Congrats. I'll be back at it this weekend. I think this late season will turn out to be better then anything for me.