went out lastnight and had a small young bear at 12 yards from my tree and seen a spike. went out this morning and didnt see squat it was way to windy like 45 mph gusts so i got out oof the tree gouin out again tonight
I'll get out tomorrow morning. It should keep getting better each day for next 2 weeks. Stay after 'em guys...
Bucks are up on their feet here now. I had a solid 9 point in front of me tonight at 15 yards. Prolly high 130's I was second guessing myself as he walked away but there is a really nice one running around here that I would love to get a chance at. Good luck on your hunts guys. Chris
Well boys I got lucky Saturday morning and was able to arrow a beautiful old 10 point. He is at least 5.5, and actually is on the way down compared to his rack last year but I couldn't be happier with him. We've had close encounters with him for 3 years and he finally screwed up and I didn't. Got him in the score thread for pics if you want to check him out.
Very nice Jim! Congrats. Had a great hunt this morning...bucks where moving, of the 7 bucks I saw, 6 were yearlings though...it will only keep getting better. Stay after it guys...and Good Luck!
Reminder guys: -Ruttnutt: don't forget to post your doe pics in the scorecard -Also still need Todd's video on scorecard for his buck points And with huntingson's buck...our scores looking good. I'll be bringing some points soon.
hey congrats man and guys im tryin hard myself so goodluck to the guys that still need a wopper to show up
Had this buck in our set this morning. Grunted him into the decoy, but another young buck came into the set first, so when he got there he went after the small buck instead of the decoy. Ohhh so close! Yesterday morning we had a huge IA bruiser come into the decoy, but the unstable winds we were having swirled and he bugged out...had him at 32 yds but he never presented a shot. Ohh so close! IA has been crazy the past two days. We saw tons of deer and at least 10 different bucks, four were shooters. (4.5+ yo) BAck to work for four days and then back to the woods for ten days!
Nice Bowspec! Just make sure next time you call him in you have the bow in hand - and not the camera ...you might catapult us into the lead before you know it!
Oh the bow was in hand...I had a cameraman working the camera, he just never gave us a clear shot. That smaller buck brought him around the back side of our tree through some thick brush and away from our set up. We'll get it done... it's just a matter of time. I feel pretty good considering I've only had three sits on this property, halloween day and then Monday morning.
really cool hopefully ur luck sticks with you and u can lay a bruiser on the ground. couldnt get out today i was so sad but i will be in the woods all day everyday till saturday so hopefully i get some good action
guys ended goin out tonight and i think i wacked a monster found my arrow good blood but i dont know about the arrow placement so i decided to back out for the evening but im going out tomm morning to look for him ill let everyone know how it goes
Good Luck BuckHunter!!! Huntinson - don't forget to add your buck's score detail to your score card submission - they will not count it until then. How is the rest of the team doing? I'm off next week finally...going to hit it hard!
Buckhunter Good luck on finding your deer, look for the birds circling they'll give'm up every time. It's been a sad season for me for hunting guys. I've had maybe 10 sits if I'm lucky and everyone of them was to put final touches on the stands I've set up for Will for when he arrives. He's got 4 days to put a tank on the ground as do I. I'll be back out next week and maybe tomorrow night for a sit. Full day Rememberence Day and full day Sat,n Sun next week . Got a wedding to go to down in Calgary for my niece this weekend. To warm by the way up here to get the deer moving,should hit a balmy 70 on Friday,when it should be -10 for the average,dang ponds are still open. Good luck to you whom are hunting and was wondering if Todd is going to submitt his deer. How could a fella hold us all in suspence,LMAO. Congrats again Todd
man am i having the worst season ever. ok well everyone i hunt with around here is having a bad season. First ill start off by saying i did not find my buck today but i will be looking for him over the next couple days. Second off heres where it really starts to stink the stand i was hunting is like a community stand for me and my friends. Well the buck i shot was the 4th buck shot out of the stand. There has been 6 big ones seen out of the stand so far this year. well heres the crappy part, not one of the bucks shot has been found that has been shot from this stand and it really stinks. Three of the bucks shot were deff over 140 gross and the one i shot at was deff bigger then 150" so I just dont know what to say guys I wanna give up hunting for the year. But if i did id feel like i was letting you guys down so i wont im gonna put some blood and sweat into finding this buck. So wish me luck guys i really need it. Also goodluck to the guys who havnt gotten one yet.