I think its one doe and one buck per person. Goodjob Bowspec Well tonight guys i was goin to hang a new set and see whats goin on. I was in there once so far this season on saturday and seen four buck and 7 doe. So im walking down the gas road to the fields and when i get to the one hill i can see about 400 yards down the road. I notice a buck walking out so i kneel down quick and just watch. I get my binoculars out and look at the buck and i realize right away hes a pig. I'd say he went atleast 150 if not bigger. So i call DEERSLAYER and tell him im looking at a bruiser and we decided it would be best if I didnt walk down the road and set the stand up. The farm im hunting is a good spot sort of a secret spot cause no one really hunts it or even knows about it. So i just sat at the top of the hill for this evening and watched some other does and a couple smaller bucks crossthe road. The buck crossed going to a apple tree that in years passed never produced apples but this year is full of them. He was moving in the daylight and around 4 oclock so tomm I will be going out around 1 to hang the set about 15-20 yards from the appletree where i planned on setting the stand in the first place. Ill hunt it till dark and hopefully i can lay this bugger on the ground.
LAEqualizer has been voted captain for your team! Every team needs to have a captain and since LAEequalizer started your team thread, he has been appointed said captain position.
Here is a better pic for you guys...I had some trouble with these for some reason on the scoreboard page.
Well, guys I guess I am now officially "Team Kaptain Kangaroo". Lol All I can say for me is I have been out a few times and seen does. (No shot presented) So hot here the mosquitoes are begging for ice water. Looks like we may start getting some cooler temps soon. Hopefully then I can move in on some good spots. Now, as Kaptain Kangaroo, Go out and kill some pig bucks and lets do this thang.
Haven't hunted since Oct 2nd...not sure when I'll get out next - busy weekend again. But no biggie, weather still isn't turning until mid-next week...and I'll be itchin like crazy by then to get out. I'll be hitting it hard here very soon. I have full intentions of submitting a buck and doe for our team...I posted 178 points for my team last year...goal is to beat that this year! Good luck - keep the updates coming - let's win this.
Great job on the Does guys. I have been seeing some bucks just at last light. Its been really hot and even the does are staying bedded until about fifteen before shooting light is over. Looking forward to hunting this weekend. Good luck to all of you.
I'm not doing much hunting right now. I've dedicated myself to go after one particular deer. He is still around and based off of movement I see on trail cams, I am relatively certain of where he is bedding and feeding. Feeding on someone else and bedding on me. He is still moving during the night, so we are waiting for the right time to go after him. We may try a decoy set up and grunt / rattle him in. If that works out it should make for good video. With that said, there are several mature bucks using this property and I won't pass on another mature buck, but I am going in with this deer and what it will take to harvest him on my mind. In short, I am taking the next couple of weeks off until the bucks start moving a little more and become more responsive to calling in case he continues to bed before sunrise and move late in the evening. We are going to be extra cautious and try not to mess this thing up before he becomes killable. Good luck guys!
didn't get out again this past week...but don't worry - I promise to get my time in soon. Still been in the 70's everyday here in IL, 78 on Saturday, and rest of this week is full moon out all night...I've not missed being out yet...need some cool rainy weather. It looks like I should get out this Saturday morning...at least it's kind of nice also that none of my stands have been sat in yet, but looks like full moon Fri/Sat and it's up all night long Looks like Todd put some good buck points on the board for Team 9...keep 'em coming guys - and good luck!
[/URL][/IMG] I'll have to check out where Todd posted his buck,here's a TC of mine that actually got me on it during a hunt last Sunday night. The winds were gusting to 60 and it's a video and you can actually see the tree rocking ,LMAO in this video I had 7 does a 5x3 buck and a cow moose all with in 60 yards of these 3 that are in the video. Rocky Hope this turns out
Last chance here, sorry guys http://s165.photobucket.com/albums/u58/youngfart1/2010 Season Trail cams/
Matt Where does Todd have his buck posted? I've looked all through the site and haven't heard a word other than your mention of it. Hope it's true,LOL j/k. The weather turns for the worst up here next week with snow for Tuesday and -1 for Saturday and -4 for Sunday. Have no plans with anyone for the weekend ,so I'll be in a stand some where hugging a tree. Just purchased my 1st set of Muck boots good for -40, should be able to try them out on the weekend,they sure feel nice and lite compared to my Kodiaks that are good for -140. Daughter is still making me some Gaters made for my old coveralls from Predator white. They should be ready for next week. Good luck and God Bless. Rocky
Rocky, Check out this thread: http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?t=16485&highlight=bowhunt And then pic is post #23 on page 2. Heck of a nice buck! Good Luck this weekend Rocky...I'll finally get out this weekend at least once, and then my time in the woods will start picking up here...the bucks are just starting to move more. Good Luck All! For the fun of it - Let's win this thing!
Thanks Matt The video is great,glad he shot him,looks to be close in the high 160's,he lacked mass, man were is antlers white or what????. I was out this morning and had 8 does walk by in the dark at 7'40ish and it got light enough to shoot by 8:03. Then at 9:30 I had a 5x4 come in at 12 yards for 40 minutes and I drew, but let off as he was only about a 130 buck . The thing I liked was he had chocolate antlers. If I get lucky enough in 2 weeks he's going down. Put in a bunch of mock scrapes today for when Will arrives and also didn't quite make a full day sit for my 5th sit this year. Wow that's bad man,dang overtime. I'll be out this evening to hopefully fill one of my doe tags and then it's off to my honey hole in the am , hopefully stick a bruiser.God Bless and make sure the safety belt is connected. Rock
Got Last Night Was a blank for action and seeing deer,I even took a friend and he was tempted to get down and chase a bull moose he had around him, other than that is was quiet. This morning I didn't get up,the wife was putting pressure on going to Church as we had our grandson for the nite so I'll be out tonight for and evening sit and to recoup my TC pics and replace the Sd card. Good luck guys and shoot straight. Had lite snow this am for an hour ,it melted as fast as is came down. Rocky
Finally got to spend a weekend in a tree. Saw quite a few deer including one pretty good buck, but he wasn't big enough for this early in the season. It sure was nice to finally have a few days to get out. Still had to work between sits, but I can handle that. I hope all is well with everyone and take care
hey guys deer have been movin crazy around here went out this morning and had two shooters within 25 yards but couldnt shoot because i couldnt see my pin on the deer but they were in the field till almost 9 so hopefully this week i can get it done and congrats everyone on the deer shot. andd goodluck guys to everyone who hasnt gotten one yet.