Congrats Buckhunter 1988 I'll check out the photo's when you post them,good on ya, more points for our team,LOL we need'em. Oh yeah , Matt I read your articale on the Elkoholic, very well done bud,I forgot to mention that last nite as I read it after I made my post. Glad you had such a good time,and I under stand how you feel about family. Rocky
Man, you guys are doing great! My elk hunt was a fun trip, but the weather was hot and the elk just weren't doing anything... including hanging around where we were. Only saw 5 all week, but I did get within 35 yards of 2 cows. Wind swirled and that was that, but it was a good time. Haven't been out yet in Ohio or Indiana. Won't get to this weekend either b/c I am doing 2 NRA Basic Pistol courses. Oh well, business before pleasure I guess. Good luck to all. Jim Davis 3G Tactical
Doe Down! Well managed to get a doe down in Wisconsin on Sunday.... Opener for IL starts tomorrow and I will be after it hard for a few days.
Hey Todd Congrats on the harvest of the Doe,I passed on a 1 1/2 year old doe tonight myself. Just wasn't the size I needed for my daughters freezer. Probably would of ended up getting about 60lbs of meat,not worth looking and loosing sleep over to me. I tried calling for some Moose as they are hard into the rut right now for about another week. SO things are looking up as I'm starting to see and have shot opertunities the last 2 sits. Good luck on getting your buck on tape Todd.
Congrats on your doe Todd. I have been seeing a few decent bucks but nothing jaw dropping yet. Good luck everyone. Chris
Heading Out Tonight Be on stand in a few hours in hopes of getting a shot at that non-tyipical I have on my trail cam. Hoping he takes the trail to the field that goes by my stand that hasn't been used yet this year. Last year he was on my TC there a few times but I think I over hunted him too early out of that stand. Winds are out of the North and that's where he'll be coming from to the south for supper and hopefully a 340 easton tipped with a 100 grn. Teakan. Good luck to those hunting tonight. Rocky
Well...season opened Friday here, took my 5 & 6 yr old sons out with me after work Friday...well, we managed to sit a whole 50 minutes - no deer, but plenty of good conversation and a couple snacks (and they gave the grunt tube heck). Got a couple quick hunts in saturday as it was our opening bow-weekend campout with family/ was our 18th annual - and just one heck of a time. Hunting is only half-serious, but the food and drinks are Very serious. Great time as usual - Saturday had one fawn at close range, and then another doe under my stand - just never gave me that slam dunk angle - so no need to rush a'll come. Saw one other doe and a half-racked yearling buck. Won't get but a hunt or two in until last week of Oct - then I will hit it as hard as time/family allows for a few weeks. I like what I'm seeing in the way of crops being out - unbelievable crop of acorns this year...and there are some whopper bucks around. Keep the stories coming guys...get on them does...and soon it will be antler time. Good Luck!
Well I got us 50 points last night. Doing some crop damage for a local farmer. I will get the pics posted up tonight when I get home from work. Good luck on scoring some tine guys!!
Reminder: for all you with doe kills already - DO NOT FORGET to post pics or video in the official scorecard so that Team 9 gets credit...we are still sitting at "0" according to the scorecard.
I'll post mine as soon as I get a second picture...I forgot we needed two. It's on film, so I can go back and take a still photo from the footage...may take a bit, the footage is with our producers...I'll see if they can send me another still photo.
ill try aand get mine up my computer wont upload the pics from my camera and the card wont work in the computer. also guys hunting season so far in Pa has been rough.Its been rainin and all crappy and the deer havnt been movin. Deerslayer and I will be out this evening and all day everyday till he leaves sunday morning so ill try to put one on the ground.
I am glad to hear that some of you guys are having good luck, and it sounds like everyone is having a good time, which is most important. I got some bad news. My lease in Indiana has completely changed. They went from allowing IN limits (it is in both OH and IN) to now allowing only 1 buck... TOTAL!!! Since the season has already begun they offered us our money back, but I have already bought my out of state license which was another $150. So, I am going to stick with it this year and try to get an IN buck but what a pain. I now have nowhere to go to shoot a doe b/c I don't want to take any off of my farm. Oh well. The family is good, food plot is coming in nicely, got some good bucks on the cameras (all after midnight of course), and the rut is approaching. Life is good.
Hey guys i got my pics up and this week has been crazy ive seen prolly 35 to 45 deer and about 10 of them were buck. Seen a couple shooters So hopefully in the next couple weeks before i head to kentucky ill get a chance at one.
Got Out Tonight Wowzer is all I can say I thought about heading back as I was about to my stand as the wind was gusting to 60 clicks. Changed out my SD card in my trail cam and decided to give the stand Imyourhuckleberry will be sitting in at the end of next month another go. Got in at 5:15 and at 6 I touched the antlers to about 30 seconds of a tickling sequence. Just put the antlers down and right away I heard the sound of crisp leaves crunching. Stood up grabbed my bow and man what happened for the next hour was tough to take. I was in the view of 14 eyes piercing the skyline to where the scrap was happening. After 45 minutes of trying not to move and give up my location I made out the distinctive sound of a buck grunting with each step he was taking. Just like a tending grunt and his toungue was hanging out too to boot. Man he chased almost every doe except the one he tried to mount, she was having nothing to do with him, and showed him who was boss as she reard up on her hind legs and layed them on him with an ear deafening sound, Sounded almost like she was playing the drums on his back, man she hit him at least 15 times before he could get the heck out of there, LMAO. Then they all headed for the fields to eat,then I heard the distinct sound of leafs crunching again coming from behind me. This time I wasn't being eye balled to the tree.AT 35 yards was a cow moose making her way toward me, finally some meat was making it's way towards me . Not this time she ended up going out to the field also. It was the most entertaining night on stand this year. It's sits like this one that keeps me bow hunting year after year,although I didn't get a shot off,I did have the entertainment and the thought of releasing an arrow in my head. Guys start rattling ,it works ,espeacialy during the 1st 2 weeks of October. I call these 2 weeks the most exciting of the 4 months that I bow hunt. Be safe and shoot straight guys. God Bless. Rocky
Harvested another doe this morning...this time in IA, will post pics here and on the scoreboard in the morning. It's a two week break and then it's all about the bucks in North MO and Southern IA...I've got a good bead on a few really nice's just a matter of time.
Congrats Bowspec Good on you bud, now to get mentally stable for that big buck you have lined up huh!Best of luck to you.How many does are we allowed to get for the 50 points? Rocky