Let's try and get a name picked guys. What do you think? Looks like we still are waiting for Todd and huntingson to check in.
names-- The Big Buck Boys Legend Killers Rack wackers i stink at thinkin of names guys so lets get some other ones and get a name we dont have long till season
I started my season off yesterday in delaware with a spot and stalk hunt. I seen a nice 8 that would have went mid 130's. Just couldn't get close enough to close the deal. If any of you guys want to come out and hunt with me your more then welcome. I got a lot of prime private land to hunt!!
How about a Slice Of Heart with a 1/2 a heart as the avitar I'm bad at names also LOL, opener is Wednesday ,hope I can be in a stand!!!! Rocky
Hey Chris .. I will be praying you lay him down, Bro! Bobby .. you goin head to head with Jff this year? GFY ... crush a MONSTER, Bro!
Bad News It could actually could turn into good news,had my prime spot taken away for hunting today and went in and removed my stands. Guess the guy was happy with all the information and stand sites and pictures of big deer I provided him. Now he's got 3 cousins and 2 uncles that are hunting it with him,so this could turn into a good thing as it's only 20 acres of bush that back onto 3 sides of property that I have sole use of. It's a great site for bedding for some great bucks ,but I'm thinking with all the traffic that will be walking the bush it will push them onto the adjoining properties. IE,where I hunt, LOL,these guys where plaid red and shotgun hunt and stink the world over.The property owner shot a buck I passed that morning that ended up scoring 140, so to them thats a big buck. Maybe they'll take the small bucks out and are happy with that size. Man if only they new what lurked in their woods. They drive there quads to their tree stand location too. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they don't get to see the 3 big bucks that walk there woods. Guess because of the holiday here I will get my trail cams out tomorrow to see whats walking another property that I hunt. Had a few 180 bucks on there last year. Every property has been upscaled to hopefully put a tag on a good one this year. Rocky
Checking In. It looks like we have a great team here. I just go done checking my cameras this weekend - looking good. I cant believe that its only 2 weeks away.
Thanks Tony..... I am going to give it my best shot. Good luck yourself. Adversity strikes..... now it will be just that much sweeter when you score.! Good luck.
Any decision you make on a team name and logo is fine with me guys. Seen some nice bucks over the long weekend. Looking forward to getting started. Chris
GFY Thanks bud, I'm hoping too,LOL when there's that much scent happening in such a small area and together with 6 people walking and quading ,it should have an affect on such a small area. I did get a good picture of a great non-typical but seem to download it to the wrong site so I can't upload them to Photobucket for some reason, will try something else. Guessing around 170 and 300lbs on the hoof and it's weird cause he's the only buck still in velvet. Might have an ole injury . Won't be able to get out till the weekend seeing tonight is the opener. Oh well, good luck to those hunting. Rocky
I checked trail cams and hung the last of my stands for now...lot's of good bucks around and half have shed thier velvet... The break in the weather last week had them up moving around pretty good...I've got a few monsters on my IA place...
Wow, last one to check in! Sorry about that fellas. I'm Jim, 30 years old, wife and a 4 year old son. I'll be leaving tomorrow for another elk hunting trip, but when I return it will only be a couple weeks and the season opens in Ohio. I'll be hunting my farm in Ohio and my lease in Indiana as well this year. We've got some great bucks so far on the cameras on my farm, but you never know what will happen. I'm just hoping for some good exciting times. I've got almost all of my stands ready to go, but it takes a while to get 20 stands cleared and I'm working, going to school, and getting my own business going right now so I am busier than I have ever been. I'll definitely be putting my time in a tree this year though, even if I have to bring a laptop Looks like we have a great team full of good guys. I hope to get you know you all better throughout the season. Jim Davis 3G Tactical www.3gtactical.com
Welcome Jim. Everyone has now checked in. I'm getting ready to wash my clothes and get my gear ready this weekend for the opener next Saturday (18th). My goal is to get a doe on the ground the first week of the season if possible. 50 points is a good way to start.
Go ahead and post your # if you want to shoot the poop. Last year my team shared numbers so we could text back and forth. I was texting peakrut when I shot my buck last year and it was pretty cool to chat back and forth with the team. My cell is 443*497*0132 if anyone wants to b.s.
1ST AFTERNOON OUT Well guys wish me luck,just going to pick up my tags and then it's out for the rest of the afternoon and evening sit, need to replace a TC on the way in too. Winds are all wrong for 75% of my stands ,but I just need to get in and get my 1st hunt in. Going bonkers sitting around home. I also need to get some more pull ropes installed on 2 of my new stand locations for when Will comes for the Rut. This one stand I had 192 pics and 74 of them were of Moose. That would be really nice to fill that tag early. .Will drop in for an update tonight. Rocky
Almost Put My Tag On One Thank God I didn't touch off my trigger cause we would have scored a whopping 12 inches of score, lMAO. I had a uneventfull sit last night . I was about to take a picture of my trail cam when I saw movement in my viewfinder.I took the picture anyways. Dang ,I forgot to turn the flash off. She really didn't pay attention to the flash. So I stood up grabbed my bow and drew,she turned around and started feeding back towards me. As I was about to touch off the trigger she twiched her ear and I noticed antler. All 4 inches ,times 2, plus a 4inch spread= 12 inches of disapointment. Age is creeping up and my eyes are starting to fail,good thing she gave me the twitch. LOL .Should get back up sometime this week,good luck to the rest of you that are hunting,be safe and ware your safety harness. God Bless. Rocky