I noticed they have our team name on the team page as knockin niners like knocking on a door at not nockin like nocking an arrow. Probably doesn't matter but just thought I'd point it out.
Joe, did you already send Fitz a pm to correct our team name? Fitz can fix anything. I'll get my avatar loaded tomorrow at work on a pc. All I have at home are Macs, and I hate trying to do anything related to graphics with a Mac. We spent most of the night last night at the ER for the craziest reason. My wife is a tea drinker. She drinks almost nothing but unsweet tea. (She's from California.). She bleached her plastic tea pitcher with some really strong bleach and through some kind of brain fart forgot to rinse it. She made tea with bleach in the pitcher. She was drinking it while she ate a late dinner. She knew something wasn't right but she thought it was the food tasting strange, so she drank even more bleach tea. I don't get it either, but she is from California. I was really tired last night so I went bed at 9:00. She woke me up at around 10:00 and said we need to go to the ER. I jumped up, got dressed and we went to the closest ER. We didn't get home until almost 4:00 am. She's okay, but we had an almost totally sleepless night.
Pm to Fitz was sent! Sorry to hear about your wife, hope she is feeling better, that's kind of scary! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Any of you do any waterfowl hunting or anything else? I have gotten my patrons license for many years because I like to do all kinds of hunting. But the reason I ask specifically about waterfowl hunting is because I am contemplating taking my 2.5 year old boy this year to the goose blind. He is crazy interested in hunting, fishing, farming, all things boy so I really think he would enjoy it. Goose field hunting is a nice quick hunt that seems like it could work but it might be a year or two early. What age did you take your kids out hunting? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I implemented a couple of your mods to one of my Vipers, Joe. I added a Hazmore silent seat and installed a 3rd Hand bow holder. I also ordered a set of zippered pads and installed those. We will see how it all works next weekend. I did a quick test and the seat wasn't bad at all, but I believe that for later in the season I'd switch back to the regular seat for those all day sits.
Morning team!!! I hope everybody has had a great week so far. It's Fri and very thankful for that. My season starts Oct 1st and I'm definitely getting the itch to be in a stand. Oct 1st is on a Sunday this year if I'm not mistaken and I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing but I'll def be out that morning and evening I hope. Temps are starting to go down here in Oklahoma 80s the rest of the week and i wouldn't care if it continued to go down because I love fall temps mid 60s would be fantastic for my area but we'll get there. Last year on opening day I was nearly eaten alive buy mosquitos this year I will be packing a thermacell. I will be checking cameras about every two weerks until season then every time I go to the woods afterwards. I need to get my camera out on my mock scrapes because the only thing I did when I was there last is create the scrapes now I will try to monitor them close. Feeders go off once at 830 am. The again at 5 pm so the deer should be coming in pretty frequently now every time they no there is food there. With all the acorn there is plenty food but the feeder is just candy imo I have a mix of record rack wild berry mineral and cracked corn so I know they love that. My goal this year is to get a decent buck on the ground I have a few shooters from the last couple years but they are not daylight deer and that's why they are so big. I'm talking 4 to 5 year old bucks. The big 8 should be a bonified 5 year old this year he is a mainframe 8 point very semetrical rack just a great deer I would love to put an arrow through!!!! The big 9 another mainframe 8 with a g4 on his left side will definitely not get a pass if he is in range. These bucks have never showed up in velvet only hard horned and they are the biggest deer I've ever had on trail cam. I have a few others with potential to be studs. I almost thought this was the big 8 banged up but he looks younger to me. With the 3 youngsters walking around there is about 8 bucks that I no of running the ridge and that's why it's my favorite spot. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Personally I've never really hunted anything besides deer. Well, I used to love rabbit hunting when I was younger, but these days deer is all I chase. When it's not deer season I turn my attention to bass fishing. Unfortunately, my sons never showed any interest in hunting until they got older. This does sound like a good, safe way to introduce your son to hunting, though.
Gosh that set up looks great! I really need to add these mods to my stand. I have the bow holder just haven't installed it. Really need that seat and zippered pads. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I haven't even tried to guess what these bucks will score but I hope there bigger this season and still alive. Look forward to seeing them. They used the scrapes all early season and through the rut but never showed up in daylight or at least I wasn't there to see them. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I can't even imagine having a place to hunt with bucks like that running through it. No wonder it's your favorite spot.
No doubt about it my first year hunting there broke my heart I lost my biggest bow kill ever the buck was mature and had the biggest brows I've ever seen kickers off every tine I shot him slightly quartering to and the rest is history a 3 day search and no buck it wasn't the best shot selection imo but I learned a valuable lesson and I haven't lost a deer since fingers x'd and I do not use mechanicals anymore slick tricks just bone.... best rut I've ever seen hands down!!!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
My biggest kill to date a 2012 city buck so yeah I'm chasing the dream!!! I've never scored him but if I had to guess at least a 100 in deer!!!! Lookin to nail a personnel best to the wall 130 and up!!!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk