What's up guys? It's been a crazy hunt here in Missouri so far. I should preface this by saying that last weekend when I went to Kentucky to hunt with my brother he was sick with some kind of respiratory crud. I did my best to stay clear of him, but yep, I picked it up. I started feeling a little crappy on Friday, but nothing was going to stand in the way of this trip. Since we've been here in Missouri I've been battling a full-blown respiratory infection. I'm abusing Tylenol and Mucinex right now. My son-in-law and I left my house in Tennessee at 4:40 am Saturday morning and we arrived around 4 hours later and set up camp. My nephew showed up a few hours after we did. We gathered enough firewood for that night, then showered and headed out to our stands. I was sitting in my valley stand Saturday afternoon and about an hour before last light I heard a cough come from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see a really wide racked buck crossing the point. He came from an unexpected direction and caught me totally unaware. I tried to dig my rangefinder out of my jacket but I couldn't. I ended up not taking the shot because I couldn't tell how far away he was. The next morning I didn't see anything from that stand, so I decided to give it a break and hunt a scrape line on a ridge top. I went in and found a pine tree just off the road and climbed up between two scrapes. I wasn't sure I wanted to shoot a doe, but when she showed up and nothing was following her, I decided to take her. She walked right by me and I waited until she was quartering away at 15 yards and I drilled her. We found her after a 100 yard very sparse blood trail. Yesterday afternoon I went back down into my valley. The major movement time was forecast to be 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, so we headed out to get to our stands by at least 2:00 pm. I climbed up and got all set up right at 2:00 and then dropped my phone. So, I climbed back down, then climbed back up and managed to get overheated in the process. I hadn't much more than cooled back down when I looked across the valley and saw a deer coming. I knew he was a buck but couldn't tell how big he was until he closed some distance. As he got closer I thought for a moment that I wouldn't shoot him because of this contest, but I decided I wanted him, so when he turned and started walking the trail at 30 yards I drew and tried to stop him. Remember, I'm sick, and at this point I've all but lost my voice. My first two attempts to say "meah" were totally silent, so I forced out a sound that caused that buck to freeze in his tracks. I can't tell you what it sounded like, but when I think about it it's funny. Anyway, I aimed and fired and watched the arrow hit too far back. He ran about 40 yards, stopped and stood there for a few minutes wagging his tail. Finally he staggered a bit and then I lost sight of him. A few minutes later I heard him grunt/moan/whatever that sound is they make and I heard a thud. I had planned on getting down and sneaking out, but when I got to the base of my tree I could see his white belly 70 yards away. I nocked an arrow and stalked up to him, but he was dead. I'm not sure what I hit, but it put him down in short order. So now, I have an 8 point and a doe in the coolers and I've bought an additional archery antlerless tag. I took this morning off and now it's about time to get back after them. I have my two pics to post on the scoreboard, but it'll take a while to get it scored. He might give us a hundred points. I don't care. I'm pretty jazzed right now.
Like I said not the biggest buck but since it was with my recurve I'm a happy camper Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Hell yeah!!!! Congrats guys!!! The Niners are rolling!!! I’ll put some points up tomorrow! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Okay guys, got my little guy scored and posted with the obligatory two pics with a bow. He got us 97 5/8". Sorry I didn't hold out for something bigger but I wasn't letting him walk here. I'm having a heck of a trip. It's been tough being sick but I'm getting better. I had a little bit better 8 point walk by me at 30 yards this morning but I can't shoot another buck until Saturday when gun season opens.
Ha!!! Forgot I posted that last night! I’ll measure him up tomorrow morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats everyone on your successful hunts. I'm currently on day 3 of my rutcation. The deer movement has been great. Ive been seeing at least 12 deer a day just no mature bucks in range. Lots of nice 2.5 year olds coming by the stand though. I'm optimistic for these next few day. Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
a few more points thena fergie clause.....52 3/4!! Cutting him up tomorrow with Matt... I was hoping to get out again on monday, but it'll probable end up being next saturday!
Just knocked fire from a good buck just gonna sit it out in a bout 30 min I will get down to check the arrow looks like he did the death run tho down the hill and out of sight lord willing the 4 year drought is over on shooter bucks Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Holy crap boys!!!!!! Johnny miller dropped a bruiser for us!!!! It’s in the score thread!!! We are steam rolling!!!!! Woooohooo!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm at a loss for words season was going so good and now this again the drought continues but hey on the bright side I made a good effort to find my buck and the worst that at could happen happened again. Not about to let this get to me I'm gonna keep on hunting and chuck it up I think I may have caught liver on this buck I tracked him for 500 yds then the blood just stop I did not doubt my hit at all so I took up the trail he poured blood for 200 yds then he crossed into another property so I backed out did the right thing gave it some time and went to ask the landowner could I track. I shot that deer a 7:00 and stayed in the stand for and hr or so til I got down to a complete blood highway where he ran I don't believe in curses or anything but I am 0-2 at this area on mature bucks after this. I made a good effort to find him but if a deer goes down into a bottom then back up the ridge he's clearly got some fight left in him then the blood just got spotty so I don't know but it's not seeming like as good a hit as I thought Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I'm sitting in a tree with my 45/70 now. It's gun season here and we have three and a half days left here. It's been a fantastic trip despite the fact that I'm sick.