Well I'm also looking forward to some time off finally. There is a cold front in the forecast for my area Rollin in tonight and suppose to be cooler by morning. Today it was 80 so as I'm sure all u have heard the old saying about Oklahoma weather. It can just flat out be unpredictable but I think the rut is gonna turn out to be pretty good because of it Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
A cold front? Must be nice. It's 73 degrees here in west Tennessee right now. This just isn't right. Fortunately things are supposed to change for the better next week, especially 4 hours north.
Yeah it's suppose to be 60s for highs tomorrow with and overcast Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Anybody kill anything today? I had a long day of wet and cold. Saw a few bucks, nothing big enough. Going to hit it hard again tomorrow. Really hoping for no rain, because today was really miserable. Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I drew on a broadside doe at 7 yds... then I recalled a 'stupid' law in NC 'you can't shoot a deer standing in water over its knee'. Stupid pond. Stupid deer. Stupid law. I should've dumped her, but with my luck she would've expired on the middle of the pond or Mr green jeans would appear. I setup near the end of this small pond...sort of like an inlet to a pond where it seems like a stream would feed this tail of the pond but its just the lay off the land. Deer have been coming out of the woods and working around the opposite side to water. So I set up so I can shoot over the pond, 15yds from my stand to the other side. On my side of the pond a thin old stand of trees with thick reprod maybe 50 yds away. Nice corridor/pinch point. This doe comes running in-something was running her, enters the very end, of the pond and she wades by me out to the middle of the water, swimming. She gets out, well behind me, then runs directly under my stand back in the direction she came...make a hard 90 degree turn and into the heavy reprod. Pre rut maybe? A buck dogging her? I sit...ready. And nothing. About an hr later I'm hungry I hang up my bow and grab my pack to get some lunch. I had hung it on one of my steps up to my stand. A small spike comes running toward me. Fumbling around I try to hang my pack back up and grab my bow as quietly and efficiently as possible. Upon swinging back around I somehow fire the arrow 2 yds without really drawing. The spike trots by as I grab another arrow. My mind now racing. Related to the doe? Also being chased? I look up and see a huge yote. In the chaos he spooked and took off in another direction... I'm consoled by knowing I followed the law, played the wind correctly, and knew where deer were going to be...
Been in the stand since 540. Just outside of legal light I had a buck come through couldn't see his rack just a big frame and he was on the move the whole time tried to throw out a soft grunt he stopped and kept it moving very quickly he's down in the bottom somewhere but still yet to resurface definitely a good start to my morning!!! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Well fellas I wacked a little buck over the weekend. With two little kids finding time to hunt has been extremely difficult this year. So with only a couple weeks before the orange army hits the wood I decided to take it and fill the freezer. Still looking for one more deer in the freezer so we will see what happens. Tried posting over the weekend but reception was terrible where I was at. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well fellas I had a shooter come in tonight but he never gave me a shot the guy had the nicest frame on him chocolate rack with ivory tips never seen a deer so unique he came in to about 16 yds then backed off the trail he was on decided not to keep walking then walked a perimeter around and out of distance had to have been every bit of ten point I've never seen this deer before but he definitely can make number 2 spot on my list. Great encounter and he never knew I was there. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Just got it done with the recurve not the biggest buck but boy am I sure proud an awesome hunt for sure Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I'm jealous. I'm stuck in the 7th level of hell, called 'work'. Some of the cooler weather we've had to date, but with a bit of pecip. The orange army takes the field on Saturday, and I will lay down my bow (hopefully temporarily) to try to get some meat in the freezer...